Friday, July 30, 2021

What A Day!

Mom left for the Center and I had tons to get done... Annie said I don't even need to say that as you all know that to be true...

Isaia had an interview and when that was finished, we took off to Costco. The pants we bought were a bit snug. We got them exchanged and bought another pair. So, three pairs of new pants for him to take to the UK. Then we went to pick up Vikki and went to Gloria Mall in Taoyuan! It was so fun!

Alan bought four pairs of shoes. Isaiah bought three pairs of shoes. Abby got two pairs. I picked them out for her. We went because Isaiah needed tennis shoes, but instead, he bought three pairs of Vans! Abby did get one pair of Vans and one pair of tennis shoes. So, this is our usual back to school shopping. I got Isaiah underwear, too, at Costco! We have a few more items to buy. We will have to go to another store for Isaiah's tennis shoes. And we will do a practice run of packing as he has only 25kilos for his check in bag. The airline says for every extra kilo we will have to pay 60US$. So, we told Isaiah, we will mail him things after he knows what he might need later on as he settles into school life there in the UK.

We were a bit late, so we messaged the Day Care Center and told them we'd go and pick Mom up. It worked out perfectly!

We bought onion pancake and boba milk tea. Mom enjoyed her dinner!

Abby had tutoring at 8:30. I went for a short run! Vikkie, Isaiah and Alan played the Game of Life!

My running shoes also arrived. It was a SHOES day!

Daily Lovely Insight:

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Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"