Friday, July 16, 2021

A Nice Friday!

Yes, I had to do another load of laundry this morning... Such is my morning routine now! 

Isaiah went and met up with Vikki. We stayed up until after 1am, sorting Lego's. When I woke up this morning, he had made two fantastic boats... He stayed up until 3:30! We started just looking for heads and bodies of 'people' in this huge pile of Lego pieces. We got carried away!

Abby went to her internship.

Mom was up early... and I had to pray with a group of gals as one of the gals' mom is in ICU. We prayed through the phone. Her mom was awake and somewhat alert during the phone call! Quite amazing!

Alan had gone out for a run in the morning... He played tennis with Abby this evening.

I started cooking... beef with carrots, couscous and mashed potatoes. YUMMY.

I loaded all the donation in the car and this evening, started dropping things off!

Isaiah was going to be over at Vikki's until 11pm, so we decided to have Family Time tomorrow night!

And I actually had time for a nap AND a run! The weather forecast said that there would be rain at 4pm. I was so excited. I went out at 3:58. NOTHING. Not a drop of rain and the temperature did not drop either. The forecast said it would!

Daily Lovely Insight:

A friend was upset about a delay and a detour but as we continued to talk, he came to realize that God uses delays and detours to bring us to see Him more... Those delays and detours often lead us to divine appointments and a better place to understand Him better!

Every day there are delays and detours! Look for them and the divine appointments that God has planned!

Seek Him First!

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  1. don't forget speed bumps in the road of life too......

  2. Don't we need those... especially when going down steep hills!
