I was up at 5am and there was a reason! God knew I would have so much to do!
There was rain, but I knew I had to go run early as the LORD was telling me that I won't have time later on. And He is always right!
I got back and Mom was up...
Alan and the kids were at the tennis court. I put in a load of laundry and when Isaiah was back, we sat down to go through his shorts and t-shirts. Keep, give away or take! We are putting together a box to mail to the UK. We want to see how much and how long!
At 11:15, Mom went back to bed and the WiFi was on. I saw a friend post a baby gate for free with extensions and no need for screws. I had to go and get it.
Just as I left, the downpour started. And I was driving through the mountain roads with zero visibility! It was God who helped me... Our friends are renting and the house is fabulous. It was like being in the States.
I got back and it was time for Mom's massage. Abby went with her.
Alan and I went to the old house as our friends have left. We cleaned out the fridge as they left lots of goodies... We drove back home and Alan put together the gate. It fits perfectly and I hope it works!
I put everything away and went back to pick up Abby and Mom. I had prepared food in the morning -- made a salad, cooked veggie soup with noodles and pasta. We got turkey, so we will have plenty of food for the next few days!
I had to look over Pastor Yang and Alan's message... plus editing essays...
I can't believe how fast the day flew by!
Daily Lovely Insight:
What a beautiful verse of encouragement!
Seek Him First!