Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Soochow Bible Study!

God is working...

I told you about one gal who was interested and today, another gal expressed interest. This was a gal who in the first class was so self-assured that she didn't 'need' Jesus. But God is working... After the Christmas story, I closed in prayer. When I said Amen and looked up, I could tell she wanted to cry. So, after everyone left, we talked... When I asked if I can pray with her, she said yes. I didn't yet pray to receive Christ, but I told her to call on Jesus when she feels down! She said she would.

While walking back to my scooter, I saw a food truck. They were selling GYROS... Greek food... I splurge and bought a gyros with avocado... expensive, but delicious. Then the vendor told me that they were having a Christmas market up on the second floor... so I walked up and saw Alan's students... It was very nice! I didn't buy anything as everything was off the wall expensive.

I scootered back home and stopped at the supermarket as I needed bread crumb and onions. At home, I had a crock pot of peri-peri beef cooking. I got home and Isaiah was home... He helped me put away things and went down to get my mom while I fixed her dinner.

Isaiah took off for basketball practice and I got Mom ready for bed... and got her to take a shower. I worked on my Sunday messages and blogged...

What a Spirit-led day!
Image result for Proverbs 30:8