Since Alan just got back, I had to get the suitcase and carry-on and duffle bag all back into the living room closet. Then I wanted to try out the sewing machine he brought back. It was his mom's! I made a hand cushion for my computer! The house needed cleaning -- putting away clean clothes, changing the kids' sheets, organizing the kids' papers... and the to-do list was a long one. I also wanted to sit down to continue the preparation on my messages.
By 3:30, the rain was just subsiding, so I had to go out for a run, or I knew I wouldn't have the time or worse yet, the rain would stop!
After a nice 10 kilometers in a slight drizzle, I came back more energized.
It was time to go buy milk. I made dinner already in the morning in between the cleaning and organizing!
A few minutes after I got back, Alan came home. He ate dinner and went straight to bed.
I had only about two hours before going to pick up Abby and Isaiah as they had things to do after school!
What a busy day!
Seek Him First!
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