Thursday, May 26, 2016

Shopping & Packing

I had fun looking for all the goodies to bring back to the States.

I guess since it was the presidential inauguration, many of the stores were highlighting local products. The selections were great and the prices weren't that bad.  Pineapple cakes, sun cakes, mango cakes... the list goes on.

I'm buying things for my sister as well as for the reunion that I'll be going to. I wanted to buy some snacks and package drinks to share with others.

I have three more days and a lot more stores to go to.

And I'm not worried about not having the room for what I'm buying as Alan and Abby are both going back in July. So, whatever I can't fit this time, they can bring next time. YIPPY!!!

Seek Him First!


  1. nnnooooooo mmmmmoooororrrrreeeeeeeeeee

  2. I already don't have room. But I need to buy more. I have lots of drink packets. But snacks and massage cream and patches. I don't have room already. But Alan and Abby will have room! Plus you can try and see what you like and don't like and I can buy more! I told Alan, I'm glad I'm not shopping with Annie. She will say NOOOOOOOOOO MOREEEEEEEEE... and then she'll regret now getting more. I'm also looking for the right sauces.
