This is a Scripture and Song Meditation. I pray that God would speak to you.
Rom. 5:20
Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.
Prodigal Son – Luke 15: 11-32
When I am burdened
The weight that I feel
When all my troubles
Seem so real
When I am weary
There is no lie
No time to rest my heart
O, Lord, hear my cry
Carry me
Carry me
When I am weary
Lord, carry me
Carry me
Carry me
When I am weary
Lord, carry me
When I am lonely
Love’s so far away
When no one will hear me
Hear me, I pray
Something is missing
When life falls apart
Your grace will anoint me
Fill my cup
Anointing – Luke 7:36-58
Father, to you, with songs of love we come
Into Your presence
All that You have done
Brought here with joy before Your throne of
And in the Son Your love given in our place
What grace to be found in Him
Heaven’s glorious King
Father, what grace
Raising us to life
Choosing us in Christ
Father, what grace
Deep is the joy
That fills your court abounds
While angels wonder, of Your redeeming love
And as You gaze with joy upon Your son
Your eyes are on the ones
His love has won
Know how You’ve called to be with us in Him
So that our passions burns for heavenly
Seated with Christ for Him alone to live
Our hearts forever where our treasure is
Vine & the Branches – John 15:
Me, I would have no way but yours, my Lord
Me, Like the Eagle spreads its wings and soars
will lift my faithless heart to the God whose love is pure
in your arms I am secured
I lift my prayers to a God who wants to
Each groan that I call out His name
Standing here in silence
I wait for you to speak
For your whisper heals me with one word
You bring me love, You bring me peace.
You lift me up on Eagle’s wings.
Pierced for our transgressions
Punished for our sins
He poured his life out for us
That we might follow him
He carried all our sorrows
Burdened he did bear
He died a death of sinners
For He so loved this world
we adore thee
of life for all mankind
loving knows no measure
Your mercy knows no bound
Suffering Servant
Prince of Peace
of God, Messiah
worthy is Your name
is Your name)
You made Your life a ransom
And paid for all our sins
Hung crucified on Calvary
Despised and spurned by men
You died that we might know you
You died that we might live
Rose again triumphant
The Son of righteousness
One day we’ll see our Savior
In clouds of glory come
To gather us His children
Christ, God’s conquering Son
That at the name of Jesus
Every knee shall bow
And every tongue confess Him
The King of glory now
Reflection Questions:
Are you letting God renew you daily?
Are you abiding in Him?
Are you asking Him to carry you?
Do you feel His embrace?
Do you come to sit at Jesus' feet?
Do you give Him all your burdens?
Are you letting His love, peace and grace lift you up as you live for Him?
Seek Him First!