Saturday, March 1, 2025

It's Already March!

I was up early... and Isaiah had his men's group online... 

I went out for my 10k run... the weather was so nice.

Then it was getting ready for my tutoring after my quick shower. We went long and the kid got accepted to Queensland University in Brisbane. YIPPY!

I headed out to the old house and got the spare bathroom cleaned up, the storage room tidied up, the junk out of the cabinet under the sick, and the back balcony stuff sorted! It was a fast hour! Then I rode over and dropped off the coupon for a young man to encourage him to take some extension classes at Soochow! I was home and again, I rushed to pee before getting Mom up!

While she ate, I put together all the stuff on the first floor for the guy who will pick everything up this evening! Then I tried to crack the bike lock. Still not working.

I put the iRobot to work and was thinking of going for a massage, but they are off today! Darn it!

This evening after Mom went to bed, we all went to a basketball game. Another fun evening!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Thirsts for You | Psalm 63:1 - Tricia Goyer

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts


  1. you would go to a basketball game?????

  2. Yes, Sam, the son of Rex and Peilun, was playing!
