Saturday, March 8, 2025

Women's Day!

I was up early and Isaiah went to his Bible study group. I put a load in and went for a run! YIPPY! It was chilly and I had a goal: 10k in under 60 minutes. I used to be able to run at that pace... but I have not tried for quite a while. And I did it... I like running in colder weather. I wore shorts and a jacket! 

I got home and took a quick shower and headed off to the foot massage! It was luxurious! And then we met up with the ladies at Chili's and had a short devotional/discussion and then ate lunch together. We had 13 ladies and it was fabulous! Fenny and I did the massage in the morning and the rest of the ladies did the massage at 2pm. The schedule was perfect!

I came home and got Mom up and showered and eating... The afternoon flew by!

Isaiah picked Fenny up at around 1;15 and they went off.

After Mom went to bed, I had lots to get done!

And besides saying Happy Women's Day... I must also say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE!

Daily Lovely Insight:

This was the verse of focus for our Women's Event today!

Milky Way Galatians 2:20 – Encouraging Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts 

Friday, March 7, 2025


I was up early... and I just love this cold weather... 

Alan went to his Bible study and I got Mom up and out.

Then it was time for my run... I wore shorts... it was chilly but so great! I wanted to do 10k in 63 minutes. YIPPY!

After a quick shower, Alan and I went out on our date to a tiny hole in the wall Vietnamese restaurant. I got coupons and we brought home lots of leftovers.

We also went scootering around this area, looking at a possible property to buy. It's listed with an agent, but we are praying to see if we can somehow find the owner. The building looks old but we liked the location.

I took a nap after getting home... a Power Nap as I had tutoring at 4:30 and I had to talk to the social worker about Mom's helper needs for the next three months.

Tutoring went well... 

I came home and made tomato soup... with fresh tomatoes... very delicious!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 48:1 Illustrated: "Deserving Praise" — Heartlight® Gallery

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Another Fabulous Sabbath!

I was up early... (See Mom Bea, I write the same thing every day as well...)

It was Mom Care... and when she left in the van, I put things down for people to pick up -- a bookcase and containers from a neighbor!). I then had a nice breakfast after I cleaned up Mom's bathroom and bedroom and took stock of what needs to be purchased.

I then sat in bed and read and rested... I got up at 11:30 to make potato soup for Isaiah. He stayed home as he is sick. His immune system has been compromised by his lifestyle choices. 

At 1:11, I finally went for my 10k run. The weather was fabulous. I wore too much clothes... should have worn shorts!

After a shower, I went back to reading!

I had tutoring tonight after Mom went to bed... 

Alan went to play basketball after work and Isaiah went to his MA 5 dinner. He slept all day, which was so good for his body to get well!

Daily Lovely Insight:

2 Corinthians 3:17-18 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of  the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding  the glory of the Lord,

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Love This Weather...

I was up early and got Mom up and showered. After she left, it was time for the recycling truck to come. The new cleaning lady put three bags of trash in the recycling area... hilarious... Anyhow, everything was taken and I posted things to give away: helmet, pop-up tent, cutting boards...

Once home, I cleaned up stuff of Mom's and worked on Soochow Bible study which will start next Wednesday. I got that finished and moved on to the notes for Saturday's event. Finished that and went to work on my Tuesday evening Bible study material. Finally at 1pm, I went for a run. The weather was fabulous... Can it stay like this for three more months?

Alan had gone to workout and took the car for a detailing wash. I bought the coupon and it was to expire today. 

I got Mom's dinner ready and had tutoring at 4:30 and another student at 7:30pm! I rushed to eat dinner.

Isaiah went to the basketball game after work.

The day flew by... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 16:11

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tired... But Better!

I was up early and got Mom up earlier than usual as you never know what you might find. I also had time to cut her nails. She didn't talk or sing all night so was much better and energetic. She went off and after tidying up, I took off. I was supposed to meet one of the gals at 9:30 but she didn't show up. She's the gal who was living at our old apartment. To make a long story short, the family had to admit her into the hospital again.

I had time to pay a couple of bills and buy the sandwiches and set up. 

The study was great!

And I got home and found out that the friend who needed help to learning to ride the scooter asked to change the time to next Tuesday. YEAH!

I went for my run and had time for a shower. The thunder shower did not come... not until Mom came home!

Tonight I had prayer time at 8:30.

Daily Lovely Insight:

James Goll - My Scripture Based Prayer for my Family and Friends this week  is based from Ephesians 3:6. “ I pray that you will have a greater  revelation of being an

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Monday, March 3, 2025


Mom was talking and talking and singing and singing... Both Isaiah and I did not sleep well.

I was up early and got Mom up and showered and she had her breakfast. She looked exhausted. But I got her into the van and she went off.

I could not take the time to rest. I finished cleaning up from yesterday's mess... and went for a run and then went off to WGE for a quick shower. 

One thing that happened was about the bikes that I had taken from the 'give away bunch'. I was trying to crack the lock and I couldn't do it. Well, today I went to see about cracking the lock and I saw a note on the bikes. It said: 15-11, meaning these bikes belong to this residence. I asked the guard and sure enough, the residence came this past weekend and was not happy... and if I didn't pick those two to rescue, they would have made a big thing out of this! God is good...

I went to tutor at 1:40 and the hour went by so quickly and then I rushed home to put the burger patties into the oven and Elaine came over for our monthly meet and pray together time.

Mom was home all too soon.

I got her dinner ready and then put her to bed.

Isaiah and Alan were home. We didn't have dinner together because they came home at different time. I had my Bible study at 8:45. 

I was so ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be another hectic day!

Daily Lovely Insight:

When my Heart is Overwhelmed, Lead Me to the Rock that Is Higher Than I -  Living For Jesus

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday -- CRAZY DAY!

I was up and after my time with Jesus, we had our online prayer meeting.

When that was finished, I was out the door to run errands.

I got home, made myself something to eat and went to get Mom up. WOW... the smell... I should have done the poop duty last night... anyhow... it was a royal mess... I just called on the name of Jesus to help me!

I got her into the shower and then striped everything and threw everything into the shower with her. It was a miracle that we made it to church!

Isaiah translated. The service went by without any mishaps.

After Love Feast, we came home and I had to rush to get the bed made and got Mom to bed.

Then, it was a lot of work to get everything cleaned and into the washer! Another load!

I had prayer time at 9:30 and then week is just beginning. I asked people to pray that Mom will make it to the Day Care Center this week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The message was about Life Abundantly... IN CHRIST JESUS! Not because of our daily circumstances!

Ephesians 1:22 and He has put all things under His feet and gave Him to be  the head… Stock Photo - Alamy

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

It's Already March!

I was up early... and Isaiah had his men's group online... 

I went out for my 10k run... the weather was so nice.

Then it was getting ready for my tutoring after my quick shower. We went long and the kid got accepted to Queensland University in Brisbane. YIPPY!

I headed out to the old house and got the spare bathroom cleaned up, the storage room tidied up, the junk out of the cabinet under the sick, and the back balcony stuff sorted! It was a fast hour! Then I rode over and dropped off the coupon for a young man to encourage him to take some extension classes at Soochow! I was home and again, I rushed to pee before getting Mom up!

While she ate, I put together all the stuff on the first floor for the guy who will pick everything up this evening! Then I tried to crack the bike lock. Still not working.

I put the iRobot to work and was thinking of going for a massage, but they are off today! Darn it!

This evening after Mom went to bed, we all went to a basketball game. Another fun evening!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Thirsts for You | Psalm 63:1 - Tricia Goyer

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts