Friday, February 14, 2025

Mom Made It...

I was up super early... and I got Mom up and showered and she made it to the Day Care Center.

I had tutoring at 10:30 and went for my 10k run. The weather was fabulous. I had cancelled my afternoon tutoring but kept the helper as he didn't need to come on Wednesday. 

After tutoring, I got a load of laundry done as I wanted to wash Mom's blankets AGAIN! Then I figured out how to use the Thermomix and made this delicious oatmeal dish for Mom's breakfast... Wow... it cooks and mixes... I can use it to make soup and congee... ha, ha, ha... Another machine!

At 4pm, I finally went to run errands... I wasn't in a rush as I didn't have to be home when Mom's back at 5:15. I set everything on the counter for the helper and dinner in the fridge. I went to buy a special meal for Isaiah and I!

I don't know how the day flew by so quickly.

Daily Lovely Insight:

10 Fun facts about Heidelberg: Discover the city's History

Today I thought of Heidelberg... And the song... HOW GREAT THOU ART!

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts


  1. hahahha for me...... grammar police strikes again

  2. and Alan coming in SOONNNNNN change the sheets and wash the pillow cases and blankets

  3. What? Do another load of laundry?!?!?!
