It was a busy Peace Day... ha, ha, ha...
I was up super early as Alan had his men's group at 5:30. I went back to sleep and got up to do a load of laundry and Isaiah went to play tennis.
I took off at 8:30 as the helper met me at 9am and we worked so hard... and continuously. She worked for four hours on the kitchen. That was how bad it was. I worked on the master bedroom and did not finish the spare bathroom as it was time to get home and do Mom Care! The plumber did come while we were there and the old house toilet is fixed. The house does look so nice. Alan and Isaiah came over and we shifted things around so that the storage 'bedroom' can fit more stuff! And they took things to give away. Alan couldn't help as much as he went back home. Annie and her friend Neil worked their magic and got Isaiah his ticket for the States to visit Mom Bea. So this year she will see all four of us but at different times, which is great, meaning she will have visitors in March/April and again in July for her birthday! Isaiah will be there from July 18th to the 28th. Thank you Annie! Thank you Neil!
I rushed home and barely had time to pee... and got Mom up and showered and ate! Then the plumber came and finished fixing Mom's bathroom toilet... Both bathrooms cost a grand total of 2500NT$! I didn't haggle. I just paid him whatever he asked for!
Alan and Isiah went for a massage... such luxury...
I went for a run when they came back... to do my10k and it was warm...
This evening after Mom went to bed, we went out with Fenny to a night market near her place.
What a "PEACE DAY"! And tomorrow is going to be just as hectic!
Daily Lovely Insight:
That's real peace!
Seek Him First!