Friday, February 28, 2025

Peace Day!

It was a busy Peace Day... ha, ha, ha...

I was up super early as Alan had his men's group at 5:30. I went back to sleep and got up to do a load of laundry and Isaiah went to play tennis.

I took off at 8:30 as the helper met me at 9am and we worked so hard... and continuously. She worked for four hours on the kitchen. That was how bad it was. I worked on the master bedroom and did not finish the spare bathroom as it was time to get home and do Mom Care! The plumber did come while we were there and the old house toilet is fixed. The house does look so nice. Alan and Isaiah came over and we shifted things around so that the storage 'bedroom' can fit more stuff! And they took things to give away. Alan couldn't help as much as he went back home. Annie and her friend Neil worked their magic and got Isaiah his ticket for the States to visit Mom Bea. So this year she will see all four of us but at different times, which is great, meaning she will have visitors in March/April and again in July for her birthday! Isaiah will be there from July 18th to the 28th. Thank you Annie! Thank you Neil!

I rushed home and barely had time to pee... and got Mom up and showered and ate! Then the plumber came and finished fixing Mom's bathroom toilet... Both bathrooms cost a grand total of 2500NT$! I didn't haggle. I just paid him whatever he asked for!

Alan and Isiah went for a massage... such luxury... 

I went for a run when they came back... to do my10k and it was warm... 

This evening after Mom went to bed, we went out with Fenny to a night market near her place. 

What a "PEACE DAY"! And tomorrow is going to be just as hectic!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Colossians 3:15-16 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which  also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ  dwell in you

That's real peace!

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Love My PR Thursday...

I was up super early... I really want to get up as early as possible... I haven't been as I've been feeling quite tired... But today, my mind was filled with what I needed to get done for the old house... so it was nice just to be up!

I got Mom up and out and then it was time to sit and eat my breakfast and then do my Bible study... At around 10am, I went back to bed... and fell sound asleep!

I got up at 11:30 and after eating a snack, I went over to the old house. I worked on the back balcony and moving some of the furniture pieces. And I sprayed bleach again... that's how bad the toilet was... I left at 2:30 and went and bought fruit and hot dog buns. Yes, Annie... finally... chili cheese dogs!

I was home and had to head out right away for my 10k run as Mom was due back all too soon... How did the day fly by so quickly?

I showered, put her dinner in the microwave and the phone rang. 

After she finished her dinner, I got her to bed and had tutoring at 7:30.

Tomorrow is a holiday... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

What a marvelous promise!

1 John 4:15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God  dwelleth in him, and he in God. | King James Version (KJV) | Download The  Bible App Now

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

They Are Moved...

I was up early and the weather was so nice...

I got Mom up and out and made more cream of mushroom soup with chicken in the Thermomix... Alan enjoyed it for lunch... 

I also helped with recycling as that's the usual Wednesday morning thing.

I went to run at 10:30 as I had other things to get done... the couple is vacating the apartment with movers coming at 1pm. YIPPY!

I went to meet up with a gal I tutor who bought cookies for me from her trip to Japan... so sweet!

Then I had tutoring at 4:30 and Alan was home for Mom care.

I decided to go over to the apartment after Mom went to bed just to see what the place was like. It just felt so nice to have their stuff GONE! They did clean, and it looked much cleaner than I had expected. But I will clean more as I think my standard is a bit higher! So, before I left, I sprayed bleach in the bathroom and sorted through stuff, seeing what I can toss or give away.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalms 119:26 by mvcquotes on DeviantArt

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Not So Productive Day... But A Great Tuesday!

I was up early and my back is still off... 

I rested in the morning and worked on my talk... I have been invited to share at the Young Adult Service for 3/23. Please pray. And of course, I am preparing the devotional for the Women's Gathering.

I again used the Thermomix and cooked soup. It turned out quite nice, but it took a while for me to figure out how to use it to cook. But now that I know... it's great. I tried another dish so we have dinner for the next few evenings. YIPPY!

I finally went out for a run at 1pm and it was so warm... I melted. I came home, grabbed my stuff and went to WGE for a shower and a few machines. My membership comes to an end on April 2nd, and I won't be here from March 27th. 

Oh... the people will move out for sure on 2/26 and we will go in to do some initial cleaning and I have hired someone to go with me on 2/28 to clean. And maybe this gal will have time to care for my Mom on 4/3-4/6. I will keep you posted.

I came home and had prayer time with a dear sister... and Mom was home!

This evening I had my Tuesday evening Bible study.

Daily Lovely Insight:

A life of prayer – Andrew Murray | Deeper Christian Quotes

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Monday, February 24, 2025

Marvelously Productive Monday!

I woke up early and would have wanted to sleep the whole day off... But... that was not going to be what the day will be like...

I got Mom up and out and then I cleaned the house a bit... We have enough food for the next couple of days... YEAH!

I rested for an hour and it was time to get things done: call the photo studio to make an appointment for our family picture in April, go to the post office and the bank and the restaurant for the Women's Gathering on March 8th. By the time I finished looking at the restaurant and making the the reservation, it was to meet up with a dear sister for lunch. Again, she treated me to the best restaurant and I had lamb shanks! It was not cheap.

I got back home around 3pm and then went out for my 10k. The sister that I was scheduled to pray with had to change the prayer time to Tuesday... perfect!

I got home and it was time for a quick shower and dinner prep.

We are trying to have dinner with Isaiah every Monday night, which is super nice.

No Bible study tonight... Bible study tomorrow night... Bible study next Monday night... But not tonight... 

Which was a huge blessing because... I was very ready for bed...

Daily Lovely Insight:


Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday Worship!

I was up early... and then went out for a walk... It was nice... sprinkling... but no run on Sunday.

Isaiah went to his morning service and I left for another walk. 

Then it was time to get Mom up and eating her breakfast and then we left for church at 2:10. We were there early so it was great to set up and make the coffee. I had to translate this evening and then there was an association meeting afterwards. We didn't get home until 8pm. I got busy with getting Mom to bed. And at 9pm, prayer time with a sister. I was so ready for bed... 

It's already the end of February and the couple is finally going to move out. I returned money to them... these people are just so stingy... No more... They should be paying me for all the cleaning that needs to be done... Ok... no complaining... practice the presence of God and let the fruit of the spirit flow.

The new couple will move in on February 28th. It's a holiday, so hopefully, I can get someone to go with me to clean that place out. Maybe Isaiah and Alan can help and I will also hire someone. Hopefully, this is a new chapter in this whole 'helping others' book!

Daily Lovely Insight:

II Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is  profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in  righteousness, that the man of God may be complete,

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Prayer Bike Saturday!

I was up early and Isaiah went off to his EMAW group. Alan went to play tennis. I rode the bike down to the park and set up the sign and went for my 10k... I was trying to run fast as I didn't have that much time and I actually hit 11k. So, I finished the week with 62.55, making up for the 2.5k that I missed last week! God is good!

We had a huge group of people for the Prayer Bike... about 28 individuals. It was a joint event: Young Adults, Youth, Marriage Builders... What fun! I started with the verse Psalm 27:13!

Psalm 27:13 | Today's Christian Woman 

and ended with Psalm 27: 14!

We went to have lunch together and then I rushed home for Mom Care.

Alan came home and watched Mom while I rode over to the 48hr ultra... Astounding. The event had 6hr, 12hr (which I joined one year), 24hr, 48hr and 100k. They also had items for sale... After stopping there, I went to WGE and took a nice long shower before heading home.

Both Alan and Isaiah were fast asleep! Mom was enjoying her mid-day snack! Animal Cookies!

I put a load of laundry in and had a relaxing evening... just to kick back and watch another episode of Diagnosis Murder!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Sunset Sky Mark 11:24 – Encouraging Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Friday, February 21, 2025

Fabulous Friday!

I was up super early... as Alan had to take off for his men's group and I wanted to pray with him. So... I was up at 3:40 for my hour... I did go back to bed after he left!

Then I was up again for Mom Care. After Mom left, I went for my 10k. Outstanding!

Alan and I went to have lunch and I brought my own salad. I've been on a salad kick. I make them so yummy with steamed potato, feta cheese and lots of extras... 

We ate at a noodle shop that Alan loves and of course, he went and got Coco.

We rested at home before going to look at a possible apartment. This is a place that Mom can use with a full time helper... when it comes to that... I had tutoring at 4:30 and Alan went home for Mom Care. I only had one hour as the second kid couldn't make it... I was happy as I wanted to be home... that made this day FABULOUS!

I got Mom to bed at 8:30 and watched another episode of Diagnosis Murder and blogged... 

Isaiah went out to dinner with Fenny.

Alan got his bike fixed and rode it around the block a few times. And someone came and picked up the goodies I had gathered!

The weekend is here... and the 48 hour run has started. I'm going there to look tomorrow. I joined the 12hour run about 7 years ago... and I now go each year to support the runners even for just an hour!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 27:1 KJV

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

A Sabbath Rest!

I was up and then got Mom up and out.

I always look forward to my Sabbath! And after tidying up the bathroom and Mom's room, I eat an enjoyable breakfast... like today -- raisin bread and coffee! Then it was time to read and rest! At around 11am, I went to sort paperwork that Alan had pulled out of our filing cabinets: old insurance policies, utilities bills, etc. That took an hour and then I rested. A nice nap... I had planned to go to RTMart as I had a cash coupon that expires today. So, off I went... and they had packaged coffee on sale... I also made a stop at Costco, which is right next door. I got hamburger patties... that will be our meal for next week! We already have chips and pickles and buns, cheese, etc. 

I was home and had to put everything away and head out as time was short. If I wanted a run, I had to go... 10k... I was working on my stride and posture. I was home and hopped into the shower-fast! Mom was going to be home all too soon! 

The good thing was: Isaiah had a company dinner last night and he's such a dear! He brought home all the leftovers. They ate at a nice Italian restaurant and the food is delicious!

After Mom went to bed, I had tutoring. 

Alan and Isaiah had work and then they went to play basketball!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jesus Christ - The World's Savior and Redeemer — wiirocku: Psalm 128:1  (NIV) - Blessed are all who...

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wonderful Wednesday

I was up and got Mom up and out and went and did the recycling! That was a big task as we had so much stuff... people order things and there is so much packing material... 

Then I was and preparing my talk and the bike ride and Women's Day event after I had a delicious egg omelette breakfast!

I rested for about an hour and then went out for my run!

I decided to go to WGE for the shower and then go and pay bills. etc before tutoring.

The hour flew by and I was heading home at 5:40!

My 7:30 tutoring CANCELLED! YIPPY! I had a free evening!

Daily Lovely Insight:

My back is not completely healed, but I'm trusting God to move... and restore! Taking care of my mom is getting harder and harder for me... and I realized... I'm turning 64 this year... I am asking God to let me keep running... I sure do enjoy it... if it's pain-free!

The Living...

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Bible Study Tuesday

I was up early and got Mom up and showered and she ate breakfast and went to the Day Care!

I then cleaned up and put everything together and went to church for my Bible study group. I always need the time to set up everything.

We had two people on line and everyone else came! YIPPY! The study went long as the discussion was deep... I got home at 1pm and put everything away and took a nap! YIPPY!

At 3:15, I finally went out for my 10k and it was a slow run. Maybe my running days are coming to an end... caring for Mon takes a toll on my back... I love the time to be out there... I will trust and wait upon the LORD!

I was home and got Mom's dinner together and took a quick shower. I also put more potatoes in the crock pot... 

Alan was home... resting... He didn't have class today. 

No tutoring tonight. It was a nice free evening... I'm so glad. I worked on the notes for the Prayer Bike Ride for Saturday and my upcoming talk in March.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Bear with each other... yes, I'm preparing for March 16th talk...

Colossians 3:12-14 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly  loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness  and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you

Chosen By God | Colossians 3:12 -14 - Tricia Goyer

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Monday, February 17, 2025

Smooth Monday

I slept so well... Got up for my morning time... and then it was getting Mom up and out... 

Alan and I had to go to the bank to 'transfer' the chop from being the head of the Complex Board to the New Head... that took longer than I had expected... but we finally finished and Alan went to school while I went to buy veggies and to get a key made. By 10:30, I couldn't find a locksmith that was opened, so I headed home.

I put the potatoes into the crock pot, ate my breakfast and went out for my 10k. 

After coming back, I didn't have time to take a shower... that's ok... I wanted to take a longer one at WGE and that's what I did after I finished tutoring.

I went back to one of the locksmiths and got the key done and went to WGE. So nice... a nice long shower with those nice powerful shower heads.

I was home and got Mom's dinner ready and went down to check the recycling and to throw out the trash and Mom was home.

After she went to bed, Alan, Isaiah and I had dinner.

Tonight at 9pm, I also had my Revelation Bible study. Tomorrow morning is my Ephesians study... Wow... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I've started to prepare for my talk on March 16th: Bear with One Another, Ephesians 4:2

Ephesians 4:2 Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other,  making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. | New Living  Translation (NLT) | Download The Bible App Now

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Encouraging Sunday!

At least that was the topic of my message: Encourage One Another...

Unfortunately, we didn't have a big crowd as most people were feeling under the weather and stayed home!

Ok... let me back track... 

I was up early and worked on putting everything away... the suitcase and the carry-on and the food items. I also set bags of things to give away! YEAH!

Then it was time for a short walk down to get bread... 

Alan went to play tennis. Isaiah stayed home as he was back very late last night... or rather early morning.

I got Mom up and she ate breakfast... we left for church at 2pm!

I worked on setting up and we had an abundance of snacks... so yummy. Mom also enjoyed the snacks... I didn't get her lunch!

I spoke on I Thess. 5:11: Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another, just as you are doing...

We ate dinner at church and then dropped people off... Alan was exhausted. We also dropped Isaiah off to get his scooter as he didn't ride home since there was drinking at the KTV Warwick Party last night.

We were home by 8:30 and Alan went to bed and I got Mom to bed... 

It was a long and fruitful day... and the week has started! 

Mom seems better... so I hope she will go to the Day Care all week... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

📖 Proverbs 16:24 Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy  for the body. -NLT #bible #bibleverse #bibleverses #thebible

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Warm Saturday

I was up early... and after Isaiah took off for his EMAW group, I went for a run. I was hoping to hit 20 to make up for Wednesday, but it got too warm. I hit 16k. 

Isaiah did not go play tennis even though the weather was perfect. He came home to rest.

I took a shower and ate zucchini for my mid morning snack and cucumbers with salad dressing. So delicious. I had all the ingredients to make a huge salad for my meals today... So yummy!

Alan was at the airport in Seattle and then boarded the flight for Taiwan. I followed him on flight tracker and his flight seemed to be late. But when I checked at 8:15, it was back on time!

I'm meeting him at the SongShan Airport as he will take the bus from the Taoyuan International to SongShan. I didn't want to drive out there by myself at night. Isaiah went out with Fenny.

Mom was up and ate well... But she looked tired. So, after dinner, I got her back to bed after giving her some OTC cough medicine. I still hear mucus!

I was going to run the dreadmill but decided just to rest at home... so I didn't hit 60 for this week... 57.2k! Oh well... next week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Pin pageA WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT(psalms 93) » Micheala Y Goba

Seek Him First

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Friday, February 14, 2025

Mom Made It...

I was up super early... and I got Mom up and showered and she made it to the Day Care Center.

I had tutoring at 10:30 and went for my 10k run. The weather was fabulous. I had cancelled my afternoon tutoring but kept the helper as he didn't need to come on Wednesday. 

After tutoring, I got a load of laundry done as I wanted to wash Mom's blankets AGAIN! Then I figured out how to use the Thermomix and made this delicious oatmeal dish for Mom's breakfast... Wow... it cooks and mixes... I can use it to make soup and congee... ha, ha, ha... Another machine!

At 4pm, I finally went to run errands... I wasn't in a rush as I didn't have to be home when Mom's back at 5:15. I set everything on the counter for the helper and dinner in the fridge. I went to buy a special meal for Isaiah and I!

I don't know how the day flew by so quickly.

Daily Lovely Insight:

10 Fun facts about Heidelberg: Discover the city's History

Today I thought of Heidelberg... And the song... HOW GREAT THOU ART!

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Still A Sabbath Rest!

I was up early... and I attempted to get Mom up and showered... but she did not want to move. So, another day of staying home. I waited until 8:15 before I messaged the Day Care Center. 

I fed her some supra and bread and she went back to sleep.

I then sat and read and finished the last of the Max Lucado books that I have... YIPPY!

I also did a few simple housework, such as putting the clothes away and dusting! It was a nice relaxing morning.

I walked down to the Family Mart and paid a bill.

At lunch time, Mom looked better. So I got her into the shower and she also ate well-- water dumplings. But then she went back to bed and fell asleep. I decided to go for a run. The rain had stopped. 10k... not fast... just a simple trot!

After a shower, I checked my email and watched one episode of Diagnosis Murder. I checked on Mom and she was fast asleep-- no coughing, no fever... I think she might still stay home tomorrow, but at least she is well!

I had tutoring tonight at 7:30.

MOE also messaged me. Can I sub for David during the summer?

Daily Lovely Insight:

Entering God's Rest – Becoming the Oil and the Wine

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

An Unexpected Wednesday!

I had the day planned... but the plans changed... 

I was up super early as Isaiah was to leave at 6am, so I was up way before that time... He had packed last night, so off he went for a fun trip with his friends.

I tried to get Mom up but she had absolutely no energy. And the mucus started... Wow... By 8:22, I called the driver and messaged the day care center. Mom was staying home!

I went down and helped with the recycling and came back and checked on Mom.

I then walked down to drop off a small coat hanger for a friend and came back and checked on Mom.

Finally, I went to her doctor's appointment. It was a bit of a wait, but I got the prescription for the next three months.

I came home and gave Mom some congee for her lunch. She ate in bed!

I made myself a huge salad... delicious! And put in a load of laundry. I wanted to run this evening after Mom went to bed, but it started to sprinkle... I love running with a bit of rain... but with me getting over the cough and having to stay super healthy for Mom Care, I decided just to walk to reach my step goals. I was quite bummed!

I cancelled my tutoring for the day... I didn't want to leave Mom for two plus hours... I had scheduled a helper to come for one hour, but I cancelled that. It just wouldn't work... for me to ride out there, tutor for an hour and ride back... and for the guy to sit here for an hour... doing nothing!

Isaiah sent pictures of the hike that they are on... it looks fabulous!

Today didn't go as I had planned... but I choose to rejoice... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Choose to rejoice! – The Rev. Alexander Pryor

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Calmer Tuesday

I was up early and after my hour, I got Mom up as I wanted to trim her hair and dress her heel after her shower. Plus, I knew I might have mucus and poop duty... I was right!

After she took off, I cleaned up and decided to finish working on my talk for Sunday. I just needed updating and refining. I sent those off and sat down to read. 

I also decided to mop the floor and then went out for a run... it was not pleasant. Too hot!

I was home and got Mom's dinner put together and had a huge salad for myself.

Mom was back and after she went to bed, I took off for my evening Bible study.

Daily Lovely Insight:

It Is Done! – Searching For Christ

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Monday, February 10, 2025

Wow... What A Monday!

I was up so early... and did a load of clothes and got Mom up and out.

I then tidied up her room and went for a run. YEAH! 10K... the weather was so nice!

I had to quickly take a shower, eat lunch and then went off to drop things off at a friend's house plus at church before tutoring at 2pm. That went long and I was home by 3:45 and Elaine was here already!

We talked and the phone rang... Mom was back. I had her dinner ready.

Elaine left at 7pm and I got Mom to bed... 

Isaiah was home and I made him two cheese dogs... 

Oh yes... Super Bowl... I don't need to tell you who won...

Daily Lovely Insight:

They Will Soar on Wings Like Eagles – Blessed Be Boutique

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Sunday, February 9, 2025


I was up super super early... Wow... It was very nice!

I did a few cleaning jobs and then went and got my bike tires pumped and rode around. The weather was cold! What a joy to be outside, riding the bike!

I bought bread and veggies and came home and made myself a delicious salad for under 100NT$.

Isaiah went to the Young Adults Morning Service. 

I got Mom up and Isaiah came home to help out! YIPPEE!

I went and did recycling as the janitor has been off for two days. 

We left for church at 2:15 and made it. I found a parking space right across from the entrance of the church! 

Of course, I helped with set up, and we had so many different fun snacks. 

I had to translate and the LORD did it... my throat was fine... totally fine!

We got home by 7pm and I got Mom to bed. I again went down to check the recycling and got ready for the week.

Tutoring on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Bible study on Tuesday night. Isaiah will be taking two days off and traveling with three other friends. And Alan is set to be back by Saturday night!

Time has flown by!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Philippians 1:9-10 - Daily Devotional In Christ

Seek Him First!

Scripture Pictures from the Book of Micah | Amazing Facts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Work Day!

Yes, I was up early... and Mom had day care and Isaiah had his EMAW group before going to work. Yes, it's a Saturday... but a make up work day!

I had made an appointment for a two hour massage... yippee!

Then I went by church and filled up the coffee as I had bought some at RT Mart. Yippee! Then it was a walk to get diapers and a bag of rice and 10 zucchinis for only a $ (30NT$) before heading home.

I was going to get my bike fixed, but I laid down and fell asleep. So, no time for WGE or the bike. Mom was back and I had her dinner ready and she ate it up so fast!

I got her to bed and finished my Bible study! Yippee!

I am still feeling tired, so I went to bed and read. I don't even know when Isaiah came home!

Daily Lovely Insight:

What Does Isaiah 43:10 Mean?

Seek Him First!

Micah 7:7 (NKJV) - Therefore I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the  God of my salvation; My God will hear me. – @wiirocku on Tumblr