Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Warm Wednesday!

It's not going to stay warm... I checked the weather and when Annie is here, the temperature is going to drop... ha, ha, ha... 

I was up early and after Mom left, I again helped with the recycling. I also posted things to give away. No one has responded. I was messaging Annie in the morning and what a laugh... she booked THREE SEATS so that she can sleep... That was cheaper than buying business or first class. 1900 versus 5400!!!! Is that hilarious? I guess she can have three meals. I told her to bring some bags or something and bring the stuff to eat here... if she can!

I also called the Nursing Home... but no space available... and they asked me to call back in late February. Well... I'm hoping to book the ticket while Annie is here, so that I can go see Mom Bea even just for a few days. I reached out to two other sources and see if they can get me a spot... a confirmed spot for the end of March to the first week of April. We shall see. It's the week of Spring Break so I don't have tutoring nor will I have my Bible study. It's a good time to take off.

I worked on my talk... finished 90%! Then it was time to go out for a run as I have to tutor at 4:30 and I told the kid that we'd make a Mug Cake in light of the upcoming Lunar New Year Celebration. So, I had to get all the ingredients together for that. 

I got everything ready for the helper who came at 5:15 for Mom Care as I got home by 6:15. Then tutoring again at 7:30 after Mom went to bed.

Isaiah had another dinner out... He will have another dinner out tomorrow night. That's the typical thing around this time just before the Lunar New Year! Dining out with different groups of people! When he got home, I begged him to let me cut his hair and he said yes... NICE!

Alan and I were also messaging each other trying to work out something for March / April... God is at work. I'm trusting in Him... All my sources came back with NOTHING... The elderly population has ballooned and these facilities are maxed out... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

This is God... the One I trust to work things out for His glory... Nothing is impossible for Him!

Mt Olive Lutheran Church - Read the Bible in 3 years: Isaiah 47-48. |  Facebook

Seek Him First!

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