Saturday, January 18, 2025

Much Busier Than I Had Wanted

I was up early and Isaiah was, too... Very unusual... He had a tennis tournament and had to meet the people at 6:30. So, he didn't go to his EMAW group.

I went for my run and then headed out to buy bread and get money. Alan didn't pay his tennis club membership or new uniform. Isaiah will bring the money tomorrow.

I also join a TRX session with a friend. I wanted her to try it... anyhow, with the hill run and my usual 10k, my legs were not happy!

I rushed home for Mom care... And she peed through everything! I had to do three loads of wash... Stripped everything!

While she ate, I worked like mad, checking on her constantly as you never know if she should decide that she wants to get up to go for a swim!

I was hoping to work on my February 9th talk, but had very little free time, not to mention that I started to watch an episode of Diagnosis Murder... I'm beginning to love that show.

Isaiah had an all-day tennis tournament. His team came in third place... If Alan were here, he would have joined them... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

No one answered the question from yesterday's verse... 

Isaiah 48:21... 

It spoke to me about living on this side of eternity... about salvation... about God as the Provider... and how His provision is always perfect... and perhaps miraculous... about how I am to be satisfied... in trusting Him... 

Jesus is our Living Water! | A Heart After Christ

Seek Him First!

Micah 7:7 (NKJV) - Therefore I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the  God of my salvation; My God will hear me. – @wiirocku on Tumblr


  1. My bad, too much going on here too, Kathy leaving this morning going to the airport. Will have four airport visits in one month !!!!

  2. That's me too... Two for Alan and two for you... ha, ha, ha...mirroring your airport runs... but our international airport is so much nicer...
