I was up early as I had to run before we headed out to the MRT and then to the HSR...
I ran 10k and came back for a quick shower before getting Mom up.
I had set for us to leave at 9am and we did.
We parked and went on the MRT and arrived at the High Speed Rail Station without any hitch. We purchased our tickets back, but no reserved seat. Annie was very worried!
The bullet train left at 10:40 and we arrived in DuoYing by 12:35. Mitzi came to meet up with us. What fun it was to catch up with her.
We ate lunch at the food court and then Isaiah took off to meet up with Fenny. Her family is from KH. We stayed until 4pm and took the 4:35 HSR Bullet Train back... standing room only, but Annie and Mom got seats. I had a seat but an elderly man came on and I gave him my seat.
We were back in Taipei by 6:50 and we took the MRT back to Neihu. We were finally home by 8:30, almost 12 hours later.
Isaiah did not return with us as he wanted to hang out with Fenny and her family more.
I got Mom to bed and blogged and checked my emails and watched another episode of Diagnosis Murder as I was just waiting for Isaiah to return. We have no plans for tomorrow... But I might take them to see the Cherry Blossom. Annie said she will try to go for a longer ride by using an electric bike this time. She hopes to make it all the way to Danhsui.
We are hopefully going to have Family Time and I would want to get my 10k run in... that's all I have planned for tomorrow.
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!