Friday, April 5, 2024

Tomb Sweeping Day!

I was up early again... but because the weather was much cooler, I didn't have to rush out until 7am! And I ran 17.8k without dying under the hot sun! YIPPY!

I came home and cut my hair. After a quick shower, I went to WGE. One of the gals I know there helped to check the back of my hair for me! She was amazed that I cut my own hair! 

I was home and Mom Care... She was eating slower than usual!

The afternoon flew by... I had things to do with the complex, took down the clothes, and cleaned Mom's room.

We also went to drop things off at church for the Children's Day Service!

Isaiah met up with an old classmate from Soochow.

Alan and I just hung out at home after Mom went to bed.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Every week we write reflection questions related to the Sunday message. Here are the questions from Easter Sunday:

The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus

John 19: 38 - 20: 10

1:  Why did Nicodemus and Joseph treat the body of Jesus like he was a king? 

2: What motivated Nicodemus to be so extravagant and generous? 

3: Have you ever made changes in your life because of the passing of someone close to you? 

4: Mary of Magdalena went to “visit” Jesus at the tomb. She went while it was still dark. What was the purpose of her visit?

5: Why do you think John included the details about Jesus’ head linen rolled up in a place by itself?

If time permits, look at John 11:25 - ”Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies,“ What does this verse mean to you in light of the message from John 19: 38-20:10? 

How marvelous to know that there is no tomb to sweep for Jesus!

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses