Saturday, April 6, 2024

It's Saturday!

It actually sprinkled a bit this morning.

But by the time I went out for my last 17k, the sprinkling has stopped and the clouds cleared. I just pushed to finish my 17k, which was under 2 hours!

I got my stuff and went to WGE, before coming home for Mom care. She's still eating slower than usual!

It was a quiet afternoon as Alan and Isaiah took a nap and I sorted through some electronics! I found a nice Apple key board and a mouse and they both work!

At 5pm, the helper came. I had scheduled Isaiah for a massage as we went to babysit so that this couple, who is struggling in their communication, can go out for a date! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I read Judges 19-21 in my devotional today and this is what I found as an excellent summary:

Judges 19–21 is a warning to those of faith, that when hearts have lost focus, and people do what is good in their own eyes, all that is good and precious will be lost. The warning must work to direct hearts and eyes back to the servant King who saves the weak and the mighty and restores a world where women and men serve together as respected equals.

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses