I was up early... and yes, it was raining... I love the smell of that rain!
I went out for a short 5k. I will do the same tomorrow!
Then it was Mom care... After she left, I read and finished a book. I set the iRobots to roam... and I just sat with my coffee. I'd get up from time to time to get a snack or check my cell phone... several things needed my immediate attention... I answered them and went back to reading!
I had a nice salad for lunch and then at 2pm, I turned on the WiFi and checked my emails and changed the wallpaper on my lap top to a picture of Heidelberg! SO NICE!
Last night, we went to bed late after Family Time and Prayer Time because Alan finally got it finished! We booked Abby's ticket to Taipei... June 13th she leaves and arrives on June 15th! She departs on July 4th and arrives back by July 6th! She will have 19 days here! I think I will have to start looking for coupons if she wants her hair done... or we want to eat out... and I will need to get a helper to watch Mom while we go off on day trips. I'm sure she will want to get together with her friends... so we will see. She's already scheduled to share at HOP on June 30th for part of the sermon time! It's Outreach Sunday, so that worked out perfectly!
I went for a walk down to the convenience store to pay two bills and cooked so that Mom's meals are ready for Friday night and Saturday all day!
I probably won't be blogging tomorrow... but I will blog on Saturday, April 27th!
Daily Lovely Insight:
I just listened to this song from the Salvation Army, I'll Go In the Strength of the Lord. Here's the lyrics:
1 I'll go in the strength of the Lord,
in paths he has marked for my feet:
I'll follow the light of his word,
nor shrink from the dangers I meet.
His presence my steps shall attend,
his fullness my wants shall supply;
on him, till my journey shall end,
my unwavering faith will rely.
I'll go, I'll go, I'll go in the strength,
I'll go in the strength of the Lord.
I'll go, I'll go, I'll go in the strength,
I'll go in the strength of the Lord.
2 I'll go in the strength of the Lord,
to work he appoints me to do;
in joy which his smile doth afford
my soul shall its vigor renew.
His wisdom shall guard me from harm,
his power my sufficiency prove;
I'll trust his omnipotent arm,
and prove his unchangeable love. [Refrain]
3 I'll go in the strength of the Lord,
to conflicts which faith will require;
his grace, as my shield and reward,
my courage and zeal shall inspire.
Since he gives the word of command
to meet and encounter the foe,
with his sword of truth in my hand
to suffer and triumph I'll go. [Refrain]
I'll go in the strength of the Lord.
A great song for this weekend!
Seek Him First!