Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Happy Birthday! I Am Blessed!

Yes, I had plans for this day so I had to get things organized ahead of time! I asked Alan to stay and walk my mom out to the van. I was thinking that I'd leave at 7:30, but I didn't start running until 8:15! Oh well... I was planning to be back by 1pm as I wanted to get lunch from this stall which I had a coupon! And I had made an appointment for a massage at 2:45!

So... I only ran for 4:45 and reached only 36k. But I made it to the highest point of the run on January 6th. That was my goal. And the higher I went, the colder and foggier and wetter it got ! Wow... I'm glad I did this so that I can be better prepare! It was nice and warm down in Taipei, but not up there at FengCuiTwai!

My back was also hurting as the hills were very steep! And running down was a lot of pounding! I forgot to put a patch on before I left. I also have these self adhesive warmer packets. So, I will stick a couple of those on me!

I enjoyed being by myself and doing the run and praying. What a way to spend my birthday! And of course, I had to rush home for Mom Care!

After Alan got home, we went to watch Wonka at 9:20. I was a bit exhausted, but I don't have Bible study tomorrow... 

Now, here is my newsletter:

Lovely’s Recap of 2023--

Looking back, the year looks uneventful and yet there were many highs and a few lows. Here are the ‘highlights’:


Trip to the States in June 

Ethiopian food with my best friends 

Biking the C-route with family and friends

Seeing Mom Bea and family members at their new place in El Cajon

Wednesdays at the Ministry of Education

Sabbath Keeping

Puma Night Run (10K)

Restart of regular Family Time


The ‘lows’ are few, but they seem to all be connected to the constant strain related to the care of my elderly Mom. It’s a limitation, a burden, that seems ‘endless’. That’s the difficulty. Isaiah says that I can just make that ‘decision’ and place her in a nursing home. Perhaps I will have to consider that possibility or at least put her name on the waiting list of my favorite Christian-run facility. 


As I look forward, here are my prayer requests:

The continual care of my Mom and to decide on putting her name on the waiting list

Run on January 6th and to finish within the set time limit (10.5 hours)

Involvement at House of Praise and all the different Bible studies I have

Plans for Abby to be in Taiwan and Alan’s summer

Branching out with the possibility of investing in another property as Isaiah wrote about

Daily Lovely Insight:

The first advent candle (“The Prophet’s Candle”) stands for hope. The second candle (“The Bethlehem Candle”) stands for peace. The third candle, also known as “the Shepherd’s Candle,” stands for joy.The fourth candle (“the Angel’s Candle”) stands for love. 

My verse for this new year is Romans 12:12 -- 

Seek Him First!



  1. Maybe mom should come back here and I hire someone full time........
