Saturday, December 9, 2023

Another Busy Weekend!

I was up and out... I went for only 2 hours. I was hoping for a 4 hour run, but I just didn't have the time! I rode to WGE and dropped off my bag and started my run. I ran a loop and went to WGE for a shower and headed home. Mom care!

I did a load of laundry... actually, I did two loads. One for Mom's stuff and one for the boys!

Then since Alan was home, I went out to run errands. I wanted to find some gifts for the luncheon and pick up my Brooks Divide 2. Yes, I bought another pair for about 70US$. That's what I will use for January 6th. I didn't find all the gifts, but I got the game copied off!

I was home and had counseling with a dear friend who is struggling. We finished at 4:45! 

Isaiah went to get a haircut and then both he and Alan went for a massage. I had mine on Thursday!

It was a free night after Mom went to bed! YEAH!

We watched Disney+ as it has NCIS!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The first Advent candle is HOPE... The second Advent candle is PEACE... 

Seek Him First!


  1. You need to post you playing the piano! That was beautiful!
