Friday, October 20, 2023

Perfect Date!

I was up and went out to run. It was already 25 at 6:04AM!

After the run, I showered and got Mom up and ready and off!

Alan came home at 9:30 and we were off by 10:30 for our date!

I had planned what we'd do: lunch at the same restaurant as last week, student's exhibition, pick up flour from a friend, buy goodies for Abby (another birthday package) and mail that off!

The food was great.

The exhibition was fabulous.

The post office was empty!

We were home by 4pm. I got Mom's dinner ready and took off for WGE! With the positive report about my bone density, I think weight training has helped! So, even though I go for less than 20 minutes, I think it's better than nothing! Perhaps that has helped to keep my bone density at the 'yellow' level versus slipping into the RED ZONE!

Tonight, Isaiah had dinner and party. Tomorrow his company has a picnic.

Alan and I had a free evening.

James and Emma are in Taipei! We will get together with them for an early lunch!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I was just very touched by this: while we are discussing about our problems, God had already made a way, even though the problem was extremely LARGE!

What problems are weighing heavy upon your heart these days? What problems is God rolling away?

Seek Him First!


  1. So you didn't say how you like your NEW sister in law

    1. She's a Christian and very easy to talk to!
