Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Another Bible Study Tuesday!

It was cool this morning... I felt so blessed... Even though I was feeling tired, the cool air refreshed me through and through!

After Mom went off, I took off to WGE and Carrefour!

I had started lunch, so when I got back, everything was ready.

The ladies came... we had a smaller group today, which worked out as people had more time to share!

After they left, I cleaned up and went through the game closet as a friend needed to borrow a few games. Wow... that turned out to be quite a task!

I was feeling tired, so I took the rest of the afternoon to nap!

Mom was back too soon it seemed... as I was still feeling tired. I'm glad tomorrow is my "Sabbath Seven"!

No tutoring... I'm so grateful. The Lord knew I'd be feeling this exhausted! 

Nothing tonight... YEAH! Another praise!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Today's reading was from Matthew 5-6!

Seek Him First!