Saturday, August 26, 2023

Splendid Saturday!

It wasn't splendid because of the weather... I went out by 5:25 and it was already hot!

It was splendid because after I got back, I went out on my scooter and got the errands done before I got Mom up!

I cut Mom's hair before she got her shower. She had oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar for breakfast!

I did a load and changed her sheet. Then I proceeded to clean out the back balcony and turned on the AC in the living room. This way, I can sit in the living room every so often to cool off! 

Mom had a sandwich and chips for lunch and then fruit for her 3pm snack. The helper came! I instructed her on things and I went to get Mom's meds refilled! Well... my scooter's battery died. I had to push the scooter for about 1.5km in the heat!

Alan and Isaiah went and had a massage.

After that was done, and the guy couldn't use my MasterCard, so he took only 500NT$ and I'll go back on Monday to give him the other 500NT$. Nice guy! That's why I pushed it to this guy. He's my regular scooter check up guy!

I then went to Carrefour and got discounted drinks and bread. The Carrefour has a nice reading area and I brought my books. There was no one else around, so I sat down and read for almost two hours! With AC! At 6:05, I went and got fruit and went to the dumpling place. I ordered and waited for Alan and Isaiah. What a feast we had for only 460NT$! (That's about 15US$) And we ate super well... 

I scootered back to the mechanics and they were closed already. 

We got home and Mom was in bed! YEAH!

I hope I will get extra hours of help with the government subsidy for this coming year. Maybe 80 times for 2024! That would be so awesome. I will find out in December! Then when Alan is gone (from January 11th to February 19th), I will get help every Saturday afternoon from 3-7pm!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I am trying to get to this point!

Seek Him First!


  1. I use up the hours... from the government. But you're talking about getting help and paying out of pocket? I think the cost is outrageous!
