Monday, July 31, 2023

The Day Flies By...

I was up early... and out early... I want to try to get out before 5am!

After the run and getting Mom off, I started working on Alan's closet. Since I got some nice hangers, he wanted his clothes to have the same kind of hangers. I also put away the clothes that were hanging out on the balcony.

Then it was time to get to my talks for Sunday... and to finish the ppt.

At 12noon, I had a quick lunch and went to WGE for a super quick workout. I had many things to do: print out the missions' handbooks for the team going to the Philippines, get gas for my scooter, and buy things at the local supermarket before tutoring at 2pm. I was there 10 minutes early and stayed 10 minutes past the time!

I headed off to Costco to get gum, milk, lettuce, cucumbers, and ice cream!

I rushed home as Mom was to be home. I had dinner ready, so that made things easier!

This evening after Mom went to bed, I worked on my talks some more!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!