Wednesday, July 19, 2023

An Exhausting MOE Day!

I'll be so glad when it's August 30th. I enjoy the teaching, but I don't enjoy the time that it takes to ride there and back and the rush, rush, rush!

I had brought things to do there, which helped the time to pass faster.

Of course, I had to prep for my lunch time class. And I did have Office Hours. 

It was too hot to go out for tea eggs.

I did get up super early and had my run, but it was already blistering hot!

Tonight I had tutoring at 8pm and prayer time with the gal will be tomorrow night. I wanted to go to bed early!

I have to send off my ppt tomorrow!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I'm reading several books... and they have challenged me in growing in my 'resurrection wonder' and my awe in worship!

Seek Him First!


  1. I see at 10 pm it is still 83 but feels like 91 HOT

  2. Even in the morning... honestly, if I don't go out before 5:30, there is no way to run for an hour!
