It was another fulfilling day... and the Lord sustained me...
I was off to the morning church and Alan and Isaiah took care of Mom! Thank you, Jesus!
When I got back at 1:30, I transitioned to my afternoon service. I had already brought lots of stuff to the car and made the dip already!
We left at 2:15 and got to church where I made the drink and set up! Everyone loved the dip with chips and the refreshing drink.
I'm glad I didn't give the message, but I was the translator! YEAH!
Isaiah was the worship leader and Alan was the MC! A dear sister sat with Mom!
I had people giving me stuff and I was giving stuff away. For the morning service, I brought a huge box of winter clothes and kitchen items. Then for the afternoon service, a sister brought over books to give away. And then another gal was leaving Taiwan, so I went to pick up the stuff she needed to give away!
We were home by 7:30!
I sorted through everything and Alan needed goggles as his broke and the gal had a new pair! How God provides!
I met another sister at 9:15 after Mom went to bed for our usual walk and talk!
I was so ready for bed!
Daily Lovely Insight:
I Peter 2:9
Seek Him First!
I was up early... and with the overcast day, leaving at 6:55, I was able to stay out there until a little past 8am. I did run 11km, so I finished the week with 61.40K. I'm super happy! I am very goal oriented!
Then it was Mom Care.
I went for a massage at 10:15 (my appointment was at 10:30, but I was a bit late!) as Alan came home to 'watch' my mom!
After finishing the massage, which was way too short, I did a few errands: bought juice for tomorrow's love cafe drink, got my scooter tuned up, bought avocado to make the dip, and got home by 1:20! YEAH!
I spent the afternoon CLEANING! It was time to do a more thorough cleaning! In between cleaning, I had to lay down just to rest a bit!
This evening, my Bible study was postponed. One of the dear sisters has been spinning with elderly care. In the past 3 months, her step dad has been in the hospital three times. He comes out, gets better, and then dips down again. He is back in the hospital and now with a feeding tube!
I was feeling blessed with the extra time as I wanted to do more message prep and I hadn't cleaned Mom's bathroom.
How did the day fly by so quickly? It was a mixture of relaxing and productive!
Daily Lovely Insight:
I am reading a great book... and I truly believe that if we have reverential awe and wonder towards the resurrection, we should be more readily to surrender to His purpose for our lives... with more steadfastness and heart!
God is extremely patient with me!
I am so grateful!
Seek Him First!
Yes, I was up early... and out late... but with it being overcast, it was still nice. The only thing was the WIND!
I was running but not moving... it was fun!
After getting Mom off, I had to strip the bed down to the plastic mattress wrap! The Day Care Center gave her way too much water! It was a lot of work as even the pillows were wet!
Alan and I had our Date! I had bought coupons and we went off to XinChuang. I wanted to go yesterday, but I could not make it to pick up the food and drop off the ring to be resized and make it back for Mom Care. I was so bummed. So close, yet so far away!
So, we went off to that area today! It was very nice!
We came back and stopped at Carrefour and got lots of goodies.
I had started dinner already, so I just had to get the bed in order after I got home.
This evening, I spent the time prepping for my messages and just relaxing... I'm going to get up early again tomorrow for a 'longer' run... maybe 11km!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
It was overcast with a slight drizzle... So, I was up early and out by 6am. Yes, I ran my 10k.
I was home and got Mom up and ready and out... the usual!
Then it was housework until 10am when I had to tutor, online. I'm so glad that I was home! It really helped to have time to get things done.
At 11:30, I headed out to meet up with Elaine. She had lunch ready for us! YUMMY!
I had to leave at 2:30 to ride over to Banqiao. What a miracle! A lady had three Costco size bags of raisins, a large jar of raspberry jam and two cans of tomato sauce to give away! I would ride to pick that up FOR SURE!
I was able to ride back to WGE by 4:20. I had to do a super fast workout as I wanted to withdraw money to pay our credit card bill. It's not due until August 5th, but I always pay it off as soon as I receive it. I had two more errands to run, but I only go to one of them -- I picked up a book from the library. I had to be home as Mom was back... RIGHT ON TIME!
I had dinner already made! YEAH GOD!
This evening, Alan and Isaiah went to the movies and I went and picked up more free stuff. It was only 10 minutes from our house!
Alan had a day of exercise: he ran and went to the spa. Yes, for FREE! Then he went to school, did some cleaning of his office and played basketball!
Isaiah was at work all day!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I was up and out... for a nice run. Even though I was late in leaving, the Lord provided an overcast day with a bit of drizzle.
I got Mom up and when Alan came home, I left. I got to the Office by 9:05!
I had brought my computer to work on my talk notes and ppt. I also had a stack of papers to edit. I finished preparing for next week's class. The morning flew by!
Class was great. Office Hours were fun!
Back at my desk for more research for my talks and it was 5:05.
The wind had picked up. I made a quick stop at WGE and was home by 6:30.
Alan stayed home all day and rested. He did go to the pool and spa for FREE using his respect elderly card! He also had an overseers' meeting at 9pm.
Isaiah had work and then went for a haircut and scalp treatment. He also went and bought the IMAX ticket.
The evening was very nice. My tutee wrote and we will do online tomorrow because of the 'typhoon'. I hope to see him as I have something for his Mom! So we will see!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I was up at 3:50 and out to run by 5:30. I 'ran into' a neighbor. He's a fast runner. But he was going for a slow run. So, it was nice to have him 'pace' me. I did go faster!
I was back home and after my shower, I had time to work on my ppt slides before I got Mom up and ready and off.
Then I cooked and baked and rested and read!
At 1pm, I was off to WGE and then to meet up with the pastor's wife of TIC, Taipei International Church. They were in China and know Judy and Jon Brantingham! What a small world!
It was a wonderful time to get to know her.
I had to rush home for Mom care.
Then this evening, I spent most of the time working on finishing up my talk notes and ppt. Alan and Isaiah were going to go to the movies, but they decided to wait until Thursday. They are going to watch Oppenheimer on IMAX. I will not be joining them.
A gal came over at 7:30 to drop things off.
I was so ready for bed as tomorrow is my long MOE Day!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I knew this week was going to be busy...
I got up early but did not go for a run because I wanted to ride to the MOE to pick up my watch charger. I had asked my co-worker if they saw it on the desk. But they didn't...
I rode down there and the first floor front door was opened... I went up to the fourth floor and that door was locked! I prayed... and less than a minute later, the elevator door opened and a lady walked out. She had the key and opened the door! Thank you Jesus!
I was back on the road, heading back home.
I was able to get Mom ready and downstairs when the van came to pick her up!
Then, Alan came back. We went to the Housing Office to get his "Respect Elderly Card". He now has 480 points a month. He can ride all the public transport for FREE. He can go to the Sports Center and use the pool, the workout room, the facilities at certain time for FREE. He can also take a certain amount of taxis for FREE!
I went to WGE and was home for lunch. I had done a load of laundry and put the food to cook before leaving for the Housing Office.
With tutoring at 1:30, I quickly ate lunch. Alan called his Mom and I got to wish her a Happy Birthday. She had a busy day... Then I rested for 20 minutes and was out the door!
Tutoring went well... I am enjoying these kids!
I had found a place to donate blood, so off I went and there was no line! Thank you Jesus!
This is my last time for this year. I can only donate 1000CC a year. The gifts were coffee gift card from 7/11 and these lutein vitamin packets plus two masks.
At 4pm, I had prayer time with a sister.
Then Mom was home... How did the day go by so quickly?
I did not prepare my messages...
In the evening, when it got cooler and Mom was in bed, I went for a run...
Daily Lovely Insight:
That's my prayer: be my strength every morning...
Seek Him First!
Yes, I got up early... the difference was I didn't go out for a walk or a run... It's Sunday... And I had to attend and share at the morning service of this church.
So, I used the time to rest and got mom up and ready.
Isaiah was home, so I left at 10:15 and was there by 10:50! YEAH!
The congregation is small... about 25 people! But it was so wonderful!
I finished at 12:30 and left at 12:45 to head home.
I was home by 1:20, after stopping to buy bananas for Mom's breakfast tomorrow!
I regrouped and we left at 2:20 for House of Praise.
I had prepared the cold drinks and snacks! Perfect!
I shared from Luke 19:41. The morning service was from Proverbs 13: Stewardship of our tongue.
We were home by 6:45 and I got Mom to bed.
I had made an appointment to walk with a sister at 9:15! I got my steps in. We walked for 45 minutes and I was home by 10pm
I had to go to bed ASAP as it's going to be another busy week! So, what else is new???
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I did my 10k this morning and then got Mom up.
She was at the dining room table and Alan and Isaiah were back from playing tennis.
I had a friend with a box of stuff to giveaway. Isaiah went with me as the box was heavy. It had a music box and I fixed it. There were also several things that might be useful to Alan for his trip to the Philippines.
I then went and got a bike from the complex B1 and walked it down to the bike shop. The tires needed air. I rode it back and decode the lock that was on the bike. Now, I have a lock and a bike to ride! I also had to put WD40 on the bike chain.
A friend came over at 2pm as he needed some godly counseling.
Alan had left for his missions trip meeting and Isaiah was studying in the bedroom. Mom was at the dining room table, enjoying her snack while listening to old Chinese poems.
This evening after Mom went to bed, I went and biked over to WGE for a quick workout and biked back. It was very nice! It was still hot...
At 9pm, a gal came over to drop things off!
I was ready for bed by 10pm. Tomorrow I will be sharing in the morning and at HOP!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
It was a fast day...
It's my brother, Eddie's, 60th birthday. He's in Australia, so we are celebrating on his behalf. James went to Iranian food with Emma. Annie went and had salmon with a friend. I went with Alan and a student who is heading to the States to Food Heaven Buffet!
I forgot to take pictures to send to Eddie. The buffet was so delicious and I did have cake and ice cream on his behalf!
In the morning, I went for 10k and God is good. It didn't get so hot as there were clouds.
Then after Mom took off, and Alan was home, we went to Costco and Carrefour. Our fridge is packed!
At 1:30, we were off to pick up the student and had a wonderful time.
We had to pick Mom up from the Day Care Center as we didn't finish the Afternoon Tea until 5pm.
I was not hungry at all.
After Mom went to bed, I had errands to run!
What a day!
The weekend has started!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I was up early... but not early enough. I went for 10k.
I got Mom off and started a load. I had to change Mom's bedding and the laundry was beginning to smell due to the heat. Urine and heat don't go well together!
I then rested on the sofa.
That was the pattern for the entire day.
I got up and finished the laundry and went and laid down.
I read and went and laid down.
I worked on my talk and went and laid down.
I made scallop potato with ham and went and laid down.
It was absolutely splendid!
At 4:30, I asked Alan to get Mom so that I can go out.
I went to WGE, got Isaiah's paper copied and was going to pay a bill, but the rain started. So, I just rushed home!
There was a huge bag of shoes at my scooter parking space. I lugged it upstairs, lined up all 16 pairs, took a picture and posted it in the Buy Nothing Group!
There was a nice pair of men's Ferragamo in black. I hope Isaiah fits. I polished them up nicely. I love Ferragamo leather shoes! The other ladies shoes were all my size, but they were all HEELS! I'd twist my ankles trying to wear them! Oh well... someone will enjoy them!
I was home and caring for Mom with her pills and bedtime routine.
Isaiah had work and went out to dinner with Vikki.
Alan was home all day. He went and played tennis early in the morning and didn't get home until 11am.
I mopped the floor, put away the clothes, cleaned Mom's room... but it was mainly a day to rest!
I was feeling so exhausted yesterday... God blessed me with a wonderful PR Day!
Prayer time this evening at 9pm.
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I'll be so glad when it's August 30th. I enjoy the teaching, but I don't enjoy the time that it takes to ride there and back and the rush, rush, rush!
I had brought things to do there, which helped the time to pass faster.
Of course, I had to prep for my lunch time class. And I did have Office Hours.
It was too hot to go out for tea eggs.
I did get up super early and had my run, but it was already blistering hot!
Tonight I had tutoring at 8pm and prayer time with the gal will be tomorrow night. I wanted to go to bed early!
I have to send off my ppt tomorrow!
Daily Lovely Insight:
I'm reading several books... and they have challenged me in growing in my 'resurrection wonder' and my awe in worship!
Seek Him First!
It was nice this morning... I ran in cooler weather... it was overcast! And I turned on the AC while getting my mom ready. What a difference!
Then I went to WGE. I also stopped by at Carrefour to buy some soy bean milk for my coffee. I was home before 10am.
There were 6 of us... and we looked at I Samuel 15: 7-24! It was a splendid time of looking into God's word and examining how obedient are we in following God. Do we use denial and become defensive to excuse ourselves?
After cleaning up, I was on my computer... I had to get my talks ready. I hope to finish both ppt and email them off to the AV individuals at GEM and HOP. GEM is the morning church that I'll be sharing at and HOP is our afternoon service!
The rain started at around 3pm, so I didn't go out to get copies made for Isaiah. That actually worked out well as he has more that needs to be copied off for his work! I wonder why he can't use the Xerox machine at work???
Mom was back and Alan was able to care for her with her bedtime routine. That helped as I left for my Bible study group dinner! YEAH!
Daily Lovely Insight:
We think our obedience is complete when actually we are far from truly following God.
Seek Him First!
Yes, I had set today as a PR Day...
After Mom left, I rode the scooter to pick up a book... it was an hour scooter ride one way! But it was to meet a kid from Albania. I think the Lord meant for our paths to cross. We shall see what the Lord has planned... He is here to study Chinese. He wants to stay longer so I'm helping him to look into different options. It wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend my PR Day... but I know the Lord has set this day!
And this morning, I decided to turn on the AC more often! (Thank you, Annie and Pam!) Last week, trying to get Mom up and ready, I bumped my elbow three times! And it was just so hot, trying to maneuver her into the shower! With the heat, I feel like my head spins and I'm in a sweat, like I had done an aerobic workout. It's only because of the heat! So, for my own sanity, for the rest of the summer, I'm just going to have the AC on!
OK, back to my day...
I got back home and ate lunch. I stopped at WGE for my usual 20 minutes!
For the rest of the afternoon, I cooked, baked, sewed and read! Mom was back all too soon!
I don't have tap anymore... that gave me time tonight!
I hemmed a pair of Mom's pants, looked over my talks for Sunday, blogged, and checked email. Trust me... the evening flew by!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Isaiah 12 is so very. beautiful!
Seek Him First!
I woke up early and then did a walk up the hill before going to WGE.
Alan and Isaiah went and played tennis.
Mom was up and I had to change her bedding...
Church at 2:30 and I translated and Isaiah led worship! Alan was the MC! It was a family affair!
For dinner, the church order Subway sandwiches. Mom almost ate an entire sandwich!
We had the AC on almost the entire day! It was that hot!
Daily Lovely Insight:
That's the message today at church!
Seek Him First!
I was up early... and Alan and Isaiah were too... They headed off to their tennis tournament. The competition was way up there... No wonder the cash prize was so high!
I went for only 10k and came home and organized the backpacks and worked on Isaiah's dress pants.
I got Mom up and she was at the table while I worked.
At 2pm, the helper came so I went off to see the Tap dancers performance. I didn't join the group as I had not had time to practice!
And then I went to run a few errands plus a 20 minute workout at WGE.
Isaiah lined me and said that they were already in Dazhi. They didn't win any of their points!
I bought tickets for Mission Impossible! The 7pm show!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I was up early... I love the cool air in the morning... it doesn't last long!
After Mom went to the Day Care Center, my usual thing is to spend about 30 minutes spraying and cleaning everything. I don't think that was done while I was gone!
Alan came home early, so we went out for breakfast! Chinese breakfast... so yummy!
We wanted to go somewhere with AC, so off we scooter to Carrefour! It was nice as they had these great big massage chairs! We also went to Costco as we had to get new credit cards... but we didn't bring all the necessary document. So, we went back home, put everything away and went to the bank to get it done.
Alan went home to take care of Mom while I went to WGE for 15 minutes and then prayer time with two sisters! I haven't seen them for way too long! I was back by 5:30 to do Mom duty as Isaiah and Alan went to play tennis. They have a tournament tomorrow and maybe on to Sunday, if they win!
I made chicken for their dinner!
They day sure went by way too fast!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I was up early to beat the heat!
Then, it was time to get Mom up and get her to Yang Ming Hospital for her yearly Psych Evaluation. She didn't do well this time. Last year, she answered 11 questions. Today, she was only able to do three! Her score has gone from moderate to severe. When asked to name her children, she named her siblings. When asked who brought you to the hospital today, she named her parents. It was very interesting to observe! I had to be out of the room for part of the interview, but I could hear the questions.
I dropped her off at the Day Care Center and she seemed happy to be there.
I went and bought fruit and veggies and went home!
After lunch I had time for a nap. Then it was prep time and housework time!
Before Mom came back, I went for a quick workout and ran a few more errands!
Tonight, I had Bible study on line!
Isaiah had dinner with his workmates... They went to Wooloomooloo. It's an Australian restaurant. The company picked up the tab.
Alan had his final summer school class and went to school to start cleaning his office! He is going to work on that for the rest of July and the first week of August before he goes on his missions trip! We will see! He must vacate the office by the end of August!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I got up early and it was nice to run more than 10k.
I was home and showered and got Mom ready.
Alan came home and I went off...
I made it to the office by 9:03!
I did prep, finished my Bible study, and edited this very laborious document!
Class at 12:30, which I love... Office Hours at 2 and my student had fantastic news for me: SHE PASSED THE IESLT! She now will be proceeding to buy her airline ticket to London!
I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on news and doing my own thing.
I can now go back to World Gym, so I stopped there for 20 minutes.
I ate the leftovers from yesterday's dinner with my Bible study gals and then got Mom to bed. Tutoring at 8pm. Prayer time at 9:15.
I was so ready for bed!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I had set the day aside for my PR Day... but I wanted to work on my talks. So that's how I spent the morning!
Oh yes... I got up and ran for 9k. It was cloudy, so the weather was NOT extremely hot!
I made an appointment for a massage at 1pm -- 90 minutes -- as I had a get together with old friends who are here from the States!
I bought different desserts to bring over and had a marvelous time.
I couldn't stay for dinner as I had to rush home for Mom Care!
Alan and Isaiah will go over for steak dinner!
After Mom went to bed, I had a Bible study get together!
Then this evening, I had to bake for MOE!
The day truly flew by!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Why do you think Jesus wept upon entering Jerusalem?
Luke 19:41
41 And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it,
Seek Him First!
It is hot here in Taipei... and I did get up early, but not early enough. So, I did only a 8.77k run.
After Mom was off to the Center, I started organizing Abby's room and my own closet. What can I give away? I redid Abby's shelves and closet so that Isaiah can now use that room to get ready each morning. And then I looked at my clothes and what items I can give away. I'm happy to say, I gathered up three (small) bags of stuff! YEAH! I carted them over to the second hand store that I work with to send things to the Philippines!
This afternoon, I also had two new students: kids from a lady that I tutor. She wanted her boys to have lessons with me... Her boys are labeled 'special ed', but I found them absolutely delightful. Of course, when I first arrived, they buried their heads on the sofa and would not come to the dining room table... but as I started to unload my 'carpet bag of goodies', they came around! And when I left, I messaged the mom: would they like to continue? And the boys both said YES!
I bought a few things at Carrefour and headed home!
I had the AC on for 15 minutes and started to work on my talks. I didn't have much time before Mom was back!
But tonight, I didn't go to my tap class... I wanted to use the time to get things finished... and it just felt nice to be home and watch a few random YouTube video... it was a bit of a time waster... and I'm actually trying to finish up the third talk from Proverbs 13: Stewardship of Time...
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
Today was Part 1 of Jesus Wept!
I was up early, but I didn't go out for a run... not even a walk! I just rested at home. Alan went to play tennis. Isaiah did not! He had basketball with the guys at 12noon!
I did a load of clothes, swept and did household chores.
I got Mom up!
I just decided to have a day of 'rest...
Church at 2:30.
I shared the message.
We got home at around 7pm and I got Mom to bed and cleaned up.
At 9pm, I went out for a walk and met up with a gal so that we can walk and share and pray!
It felt so great to be in bed at 10:30!
This week is starting all too quickly!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Don't come to Jesus with our own agenda!
And it must be Jesus only, nothing more, nothing less and nothing else!
Seek Him First!
I was up super early... even though we all went to bed late!
The movie was delightful... like the old Indiana Jones... I can't believe Harrison Ford is over 80 years old! And there was a retirement party in the movie. So, it was perfect for Alan's birthday celebration!
OK... back to this morning...
I went for my run and since it was early, I was able to run faster and longer! I hit my goal!
I was home and took a shower, ate breakfast and went to the hospital after messaging the helper to ask her to come earlier. She said YES! 10:30 to 4:30!
I was at Yang Ming Hospital to pick up the medicine for Mom! YEAH! No problem!
I was home by 10am, even with a stop at Carrefour!
I got Mom up and ready while making food for the BBQ.
The helper arrived and we were out the door. The drive was long... we got there and helped with starting the BBQ. We had to leave at 1:05 as Isaiah had a team work meeting at 2pm. We made it!
After dropping him off, we went and had lunch at a pork shop restaurant! Alan also had his Coco drinks!
Off we went to see the cell phone at an apple second hand store! Annie PAID! Wow...
It's an iPhone 12 Pro with 256gb! Blue! I haven't transferred everything yet.
We were home by 4:19 and Alan dropped the lady off at the bus stop.
I had dinner ready for Mom.
Alan went for his two hour massage at Ms. Hsieh's! He wanted to do it on Friday, but he had no time!
This evening after Isaiah came home we decided to stay home. We were all too tired! Alan was happy to be home...
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!
I was up early... and out for a 10k run before getting Mom up and ready and out!
Then I ordered boxes for the Philippines. The team will be going in August and they should have told me earlier. These boxes most likely won't arrive while they are there. But we will see! We have already gathered things to be shipped. Anyhow, the boxes will be delivered on Monday. We will pack them and they will be picked up on Tuesday. Boxes to the Philippines take about 4-8 weeks!
I was out the door. I stopped at RT Mart to get a few items for a BBQ-Birthday Celebration tomorrow. I'm making cold noodle salad. I went to Costco for milk and fish sticks. Since it was so hot out, I had to scooter home to put everything away before heading out again! Next, I was at the copier. I had a letter to hand out for my talk on Sunday! Finally, I went to Miramar to buy movie tickets. To celebrate Alan's birthday, we're going to watch the new Indiana Jones movie!
I was back home and had lunch before I started working on my talk notes.
Alan had discipleship this morning and went to play tennis. This afternoon he had class at Soochow. Isaiah was at work all day. He had a dinner meeting with his new workmates.
Mom was back. And a friend came over to pick up the dining room table that a neighbor was giving away. After Mom went to bed, we took off. The movie started at 19:40!
We wanted to celebrate by going to have shaved ice after the movie, but I needed to get to bed in order to get up early! We will go for shaved ice tomorrow!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Seek Him First!