Thursday, January 19, 2023

Changes Happened!

I planned this day to set things up for the arrival of Annie and Eddie and Nic. When Mom left, I got out blankets and more jackets, put fans away, got the radiator heater into Abby's room, as that's where Annie will sleep. Eddie and Nic will take the master bedroom. Isaiah will be out in the living room. My Mom in her room and Annie in Abby's room. Where will I sleep? In my favorite place -- the study. I'll put the sleeping bag on the floor as padding and sleep there. When I get up, I'll have my quiet time. I love it!

I went out for a run at 11:06, thinking I'll get back before Isaiah called. Well, he called early and left a message. He can come home early. So, I scrambled to tell the Day Care Center, made arrangements with our guard, took a shower and went out. The traffic was a bit congested. I thought I'd have 30 minutes to read in the car. I had only 5 minutes.

On the way back, the traffic was better. But we didn't get here until 5:25. The guard had sat my mom down in the lobby. YEAH!

Dinner was ready.

While they ate, I did a load of laundry.

I blogged.

I checked emails.

Isaiah went to the KTV with the 'boys'... pray for this group. I don't think they are a good influence and Isaiah is not speaking Jesus to them. Why do I say that they are not a good influence? Because like in Junior High School, when Isaiah hung out a particular group of boys, after two days of school, he became rude and obnoxious. Then he would have two days of homeschooling and would get back to normal! While serving in the military, because he has to be at the bus depot by 5:30, he has not been attending church. He also does not read the Bible. So, I've noticed that it takes him two days before Isaiah 'comes back' and he is again off to the base. So, we will see in these 10 days. Hopefully, he will start reading again! Maybe more than just one verse! And we will be going to church on 1/22, even though it won't be at HOP.

Isaiah left at 7:30 and Mom was in bed. So, I went and finished the other errands -- checking on all transport cards that they have money in them. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I love this verse:

The Living... — faithful-in-christ: John 21:25 (NLT) Jesus also...

The beloved disciple, John, spent three years with Jesus... and the whole world of books could not contain what he saw or heard... That's a lot of books... That's a lot of Kodak moments... 

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images