Saturday, December 10, 2022

NingXia Night Market & Things...

I did not have time for a run today... Can you believe that?

I had a helper come so that we can go out... The weather was delightful! The day flew by!

First after the helper came, I had to go by the Party Site to look over everything... Then we went out towards SanChong as Isaiah was hanging out with Vikki. We found a nice place for lunch and then picked up Isaiah at 2:15. It was too late to go out to Taoyuan, so we just headed towards Ning Xia Night Market. I went to walk around while Alan and Isaiah rested in the car. The night market did not start until 5pm.

I found a place for Accupressure and Alan had an hour while Isaiah and I each had half an hour. Very nice!

When we went to the Night Market, it was so different from when I walked over there at 3:30. Totally packed and crowded with people and stalls. There were long lines at some of the favorite spots! The weather was perfect and people were out! We had oyster pancakes, stinky tofu, fried onion cake with eggs, and bubble milk tea. I also had bought these DONAZ. Donuts filled with custard or taro or ... It was so much fun!

On the way back to our car, I stopped at a Carrefour to get tongyuan for Isaiah. While at the frozen section, I saw a girl, very pretty and dressed in a black sweat suit outfit take out things and placed the items into her Ikea bag. As we walked towards the cash register, instead of stopping, she went straight out the door. I immediately called the manager and when two of the clerks went out, she had disappeared. WOW! She must have done this many times! I am not sure how many items she stole... but her bag was pretty full! And she was very smooth about walking out without any hesitation.

We came back. Mom was in bed. And we had Family Time at 9pm.

We didn't get to Windows of China or the Lavender Garden, but it was still a fun day!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Even when Paul was imprisoned, he wrote with JOY and REJOICING upon his heart. I think it's because he had set eternity before him!

June 18 - Philippians 3:13-14 - Brewster Baptist Church

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as so...