Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A Semi-Repeat of Yesterday!

I am going to send a message every day to remind the Day Care Center NOT to keep giving my Mom water! Honestly, I never have to change the bedding on Sunday because I control her water intake on Saturday. But from Monday to Saturday, I am never sure... So, this morning, it was a heavy diaper and the sheet needed to be changed!

Mom went off... and I got started with my Bible study homework. It was nice to sit and work on it... with a shortbread biscuit and a cup of egg nog coffee... LUXURY!

I then took a nap before going out for a run. The weather was HOT... I overdressed... But I stopped in at World Gym, did a fast workout, and took off the long sleeved shirt... 12kms... 

I finally plugged in the WiFi and downloaded the emails after taking a shower. I found an egg nog cake recipe and baked for MOE! Wow... what a simple recipe and it turned out beautifully. Mom was back on time... and had dinner.

Our tap class had a make up class, but I opted not to get online. We had Family Time at 9pm.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Still reading and thinking about Sabbath keeping... 

To honor God and to serve others... Do churches help people to observe a Sabbath? 

James 1:27

The Living... — James 1:27 (NIV) - Religion that God our Father...

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - MSG Bible - God isn't late with his promise as some measure  la...