Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Dentist & Day Care Evaluation!

 Mom had her teeth cleaned... and then was re-evaluated at the day care center... she passed... at least for a trial period this week. She passed meaning she was mobile enough without needing assistance. So tomorrow, five hours... Thursday, eight hours and Friday, eight hours... I have to drop her off and pick her up. And then we will see about next week!

Abby was home, so I again had a run. My legs didn't want to move even though the weather was beautiful.

I had tutoring this afternoon... then a free evening! YIPPY!

Alan was at school all day.

Abby had tutoring in the evening.

Mom said she was tired, but didn't go to sleep until 9:30. She was just blowing her nose and moving around in bed! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

It was an exhausting day... I'm so glad that the Lord opened the way for Mom to go back to the Center. That's a miracle. She was at that long term care place for 11 days and I went there 8 times. And it has taken 11 days to get her back to 'normal'. I can understand why the place 'drugged' her... they would have been exhausted trying to keep up with her. The places that accept more active individuals have a smaller ratio... maybe 1-3; whereas the places that take less active individuals have a 1:7 ratio. Those places with bed-ridden elderly individuals charge less and are more likely to have an available bed with less of a waiting list. These are all the things I've learned. I try not to worry about how I'll be able to take a month to go to Europe. Where will Mom be staying? Who will be taking care of her? I know that God has His hands in all these details!

Seek Him First!

What Does “Not Willing That Any Should Perish” Mean? A Commentary on 2  Peter 3:9