Saturday, May 15, 2021

Up to Level 3!

More bad news...

We found out that Taipei and New Taipei have been upgraded to Level 3... This morning, the news reported 180 new cases yesterday, so the government met and decided... No program for MOM for two weeks. I scrambled and cancelled all my tutoring and meetings for the next two weeks. I can't believe it... Unless it's on line... I have two who are on line... the rest is all face to face... Everyone I messaged totally understood the situation. They were all very gracious!  Now, what is Mom going to do everyday!?!?!?! Plus it is hot... We don't have the AC on! And she doesn't like the fan blowing... We are in trouble!

In other news... 

Alan and Isaiah did go and play tennis...

Mom talked to James and Eddie today!

Abby had her tutoring session this afternoon

Mom and Isaiah went for their two hour massage.

I met with a friend as she wanted to introduce me to her boyfriend.

The shelves at Costco were cleaned out in five hours... People were hoarding, preparing and stocking up for two weeks of 'lockdown'... I will have to go buy some items at Carrefour!

Daily Lovely Insight:

In the midst of the turmoil, my life is at peace, because my God is Shalom! I'm not sure what these next two weeks are going to be like... And I surely don't know what's ahead for this summer... I choose to set my eyes on Jesus... And because He knows, I can choose to rejoice!

Seek Him First!

Psalm 67:1-2 | Berlin germany, Budapest, Psalms


  1. We are praying for you allllll

  2. If you can’t get hold of a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, you don’t just walk around barefoot!

    This is from an op ed piece by David Spencer of Taiwan News, discussing Taiwan and the vax roll out being politicized

  3. Praying for all of you in Taiwan, LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
