Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Cooler At Night... Cooler This Morning!

After time with Jesus, I noticed that it was nice and cool outside. So, I went off and had a fast run... It was cooler!

I came home and got Mom up and showered and she ate breakfast. She has not been very active these days. I think you are praying for me. She is a lot more manageable as she's not walking around and asking me to take her out.

In the afternoon, we heard the news -- Level 3 rules and regulations will be extended to June 14th. That means Mom won't have her program for another three weeks! And of course, we won't be going out to eat for Isaiah's graduation. 

I worked on my talk notes for May 30th and June 13th. Because with the announcement, we will definitely have online church on June 6th and the 13th. We might be online for the whole month of June. We will wait and see.

I forced Mom to go out for a walk and then she watched Little House. After dinner, she went to bed!

I had my Bible study this evening on line! And I think my morning study will have to go online as well! 

One of my students contacted me and we will have class tomorrow afternoon -- ONLINE!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Patsy Clairmont, Under His Wings --

It's easy in the dailiness of life to buy into the madness of the world. It's in the quiet, as we meet with the Gardener, that He pulls the brambles off our brains. This allows Sonlight in and moves us from being uninformed and misinformed to being transformed and conformed -- transformed in our thinking and conformed to the image of Christ.

Read that this morning and thought I'd share it with you... It struck a cord in me! I don't ever want the madness of the world to entangle or entrap me... How about you?

Seek Him First!

Pin on Wisdom 


  1. oh no, June 15, we will be open completely on that day

    1. So, we will be at Level 3 until June 14th. So, no program for Mom... they can offer daily lunch for 80NT$ per day. I said, NO THANKS!

  2. Exactly... that's 80NT$, but still...
