Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Yes, Speedy Super Fast Day!

Tutoring this morning... and it's a new student... he's only 2-years old! STILL IN A DIAPER!

It was only a 60 minute class, but I ended up being there for 90 minutes!

I rode home and since my body is feeling kind of sore... too much weight lifting... I decided to go to a dance class... but in the afternoon, friends dropped by. So that went out the window. But then I'm glad I didn't go... I was going to try "GROOVE"... and I went on YouTube and checked it out... Uh... NOT ME! It's like hip hop dance moves... I would throw my back out, trying... attempting... one of the moves.

I made dinner... and Mom was home.

We had counseling this evening... It was a very intense session!

Daily Lovely Insight:

II Chronicles 15:2 5x5 Print | Etsy
God responds to us... He is with us... It's like one of my favorite verses -- abide in Him and He will abide in you! How comforting to know this promise!

Seek Him First!
Proverbs 19 21 The Lord Purpose That Prevails Powerpoint Church ...


  1. Just like me trying zumba, just sway lightly !!! You should try, some of these muscles are like what is going on !!! HSSHSHSHHHHAHAAHHAAHAH

  2. Zumba I will try... BUT NOT GROOVE! And good question, Mom Bea... How can you tutor a 2 year old?????
