Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Window Is Fixed!

Another super productive, go-go-go, day!

Early this morning the window guy called and was going to come over... and I'm like... No, not yet! I have to take my mom to the Elderly Center.

So, he finally came at 10:30. He worked very hard... as it was difficult to get the window un-jammed!

I had a luncheon date... and Alan had his faculty staff meeting... So, Alan left and I messaged my friend, telling her that I was going to be late...

She treated me to another delicious lunch... by 2:30, we both had to take off!

I went home and found out that I had tutoring... so I decided to do a load of laundry, changed Abby's bedding... and went for a quick run!

Off to tutoring... and then rode down to this store to buy Kurtis some mosquito spray...

On the way back, I had to stop to get gas and buy some more beverages...

This evening was the monthly complex meeting... There were many things to discuss...

I was falling asleep in the meeting... Sometimes, they just take too long to discuss one small matter!

Seek Him First!
Image result for ezekiel 37


  1. THANK YOU MOSKIES?????? I am running out of your blue itch liquid, but the Korean store has it. We killed 14 moskies the other night

  2. There is another liquid that I got for Kurtis... Too bad you can't get it... until you come to Taiwan. How much is the blue liquid at the Korean store? Here, 55ml is about 6.50US$!
