Thursday, June 20, 2019

Feeling So Tired...

I had to get the Retreat stuff finished... so no time to rest or nap...

It's done... and hopefully, Alan will be able to know what to do with everything as I have a whole day of tutoring tomorrow.

I only had to tutor for two hours today...

James picked my mom up and fed her tons of goodies. He is leaving next Wednesday... and Mom is going to miss her 'outings' with James.

I tried to buy movie tickets for next Wednesday but they don't go on sell until this coming Monday!

It was nice to be in the mall as the AC was on full blast... and it was another sizzling hot day!

This evening was the complex meeting... hopefully, the last one... as MAYBE I won't be elected again to be on the board! We will be away during the big meeting... so I'll find out when we get back in August!

We watched one episode of Bull... the kids wanted to watch another one, but I could not keep my eyes opened...

I'm living on FIVE hours of sleep these days! God is sustaining me...

Seek Him First!
Image result for god is the strength of my life


  1. rest is like food, you have to have enough each day, get more rest !!!!!!

  2. I'm trying to sleep more... but I just have not had the free time to nap... Yes, maybe on the flight if Mom will sleep... and for sure on the cruise!
