Sunday, May 5, 2019

If Only I Can Sleep In...

That's what I'd like for Christmas... ha, ha, ha... A chance to sleep in!

It hasn't happened yet... I usually get up at around 5:45am and this past week I thought I'd have time to take a nap during the day... But so far - NADA!

Now, I'm thinking -- maybe this summer when we're on our cruise to the East Coast and Annie will be taking care of Mom... I'll have time to sleep in then. In fact, I hope to take a day when other people will go ashore and I can stay behind... Is this wishful thinking? I told Mom Bea -- I'll stay on the ship with her and just get a book and a magazine and read all day! What luxury!

OK... so maybe this week???

Seek Him First!
Image result for god is the god of the impossible


  1. Yes I will look forward to that and I will not bother you or maybe you and I can find a quiet place and sit and read.

  2. I will bring different magazines... Please look at the giveaway piles by the library... I like ladies magazines...

  3. And we can enjoy the different food on the ship together... a plate of snacks, several good magazines... and a quiet place to sit and read! AHHHHHHH... luxury!
