Saturday, May 11, 2019

A Relaxing Day... Plus New Tutoring Opportunities...

James has been here for about a month on behalf of his company... They are paying for him to be in Taiwan...

And now Eddie has a business opportunity or possibility in Taiwan that he wants me to research for him...

And Annie is talking about having Kurtis in Taiwan for a quarter to a semester to a year to longer... Like "To Infinity and Beyond..."

Ok... back to my day... It was a relaxing day... I went for a short run because even though it was relaxing, I had lots to get done...

And I went and tutored as I might have two new students... We will see...

This evening, we met up with James and had food court food... I bought coupons... I liked the food, but James said, "Too much carbo!"

Seek Him First!
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  1. It looks like most of your family will be attracted to Taiwan. May be you should invest in a Hotel.

  2. I'm seriously thinking that I should buy another small suite... ha, ha, ha... I keep telling everyone how wonderful Taiwan is... They are starting to believe me!
