Tonight at 9pm, Abby was to upload her portfolios for the departments she applied for at Soochow University. And of course, I really want her to go to Soochow!
At 8:08, Abby said to Alan, "Dad, I need to reduce all my pdf files. They're too big!"
Alan almost had a cow!
I was still not panicking as I didn't know the severity of the situation!
But by 8:19, I realized what was going on!
If she didn't get things uploaded in 40 minutes, she would not be getting into Soochow - PERIOD!
I lined people to be in prayer.
One sister from my Bible study said for me to call her. I did... She got her computer expert on the phone and talked us through a way to reduce the file. It worked!
By now, it was 8:54... and we had almost 10 files to upload!
Well... we finished two out of three departments -- Social Work and Business Administration. She did not get Finance uploaded! Tragedy!
And what was worst was that she had spent all her time on the Social Work portfolio when that was weighed only 10%. Finance and Business Administration weighed the portfolio 50% and have no interview! She really messed up... Hindsight is 20/20 vision!
We had a talk with her... as she really waited until the last minute and had wasted a lot of her time, watching Korean soap operas and reality shows... I had told her to focus... but I didn't want to nag... and now... she is out of one more options. She has only 4 choices... and she needs to do well for the interviews... and I still favor Soochow University, Social Work Department. The interview will be weighed 40%! I have no idea why she spent so much time on that portfolio when it was only 10%!
I don't think she has learned from her mistake... UNFORTUNATELY...
I continue to pray... I know God has all this in His hands... I need to have JOY in CHRIST... not in circumstances or people... Alan was so upset... I think if we measured his blood pressure at 8:57, it was probably over 200!
Seek Him First!
We do try to let them suffer their own consequences but sometimes you grind your teeth down to the nubs, I remember those days, just different days now.......
Abby is so hard working... So diligent... We were sweating bullets... because it was so disturbing as Soochow is our first choice and she would have lost even a chance to get in! She might have had to take the July tests... and then be waiting to see the scores... and her summer would have been 'ruined'.