Friday, May 26, 2017

Still A Busy Day

Good verse for today:
Image result for Psalm 46: 10
I thought that by going to Costco yesterday, Alan and I would have more time to hang out together...


We still had a lot to do...

I went to buy shower gifts and party favors...

He got the church lap top working in both languages...

We had a quick lunch together before going to reserve things for Isaiah's graduation dinner and our upcoming visit from friends!

By the time we got home, it was 4:40 and we had to head out for the big PTA dinner!

We got there late...

We were in charge of taking pictures... but one of the photographers had already arrived...

Abby went to Danhsui and came home at 10:25.

Isaiah had dinner with one of his teammates and then got home by 8.

We got home by 10:10...

So, at 10:40, we were all sitting around our dining room table for our family devotion time...

Yes, it was a busy day for all of us!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 46: 10

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