Today I shared from Luke 24. Yes, it's a typical Resurrection Passage, so I thought maybe two weeks ago, someone else already touched upon this. As part of my introduction, I asked what passage was used two weeks ago. One of the members said, "We were going to watch a DVD on Luke 24, but it didn't work." Amazing... the Lord laid the message upon my heart to share with them for a very divine purpose.
One of the questions I posed to them was, "Why didn't Jesus appear to the Pharisees or Scribes and thus giving them convincing proof that He rose from the dead? What was the purpose of appearing only to the Apostles and other disciples?" And then the Lord spoke into my heart the reason -- LOVE! Those 40 days were precious to Him. He wanted to be with those He loved and had chosen. That's it! If I passed and was given a chance to return for 40 days, who would I want to spend those 40 days with? Of course, I'd choose to spend them with people I love. I wouldn't want to spend them with people who are on FB. Jesus had a very divine purpose. He had words upon His heart about the Kingdom of God that He wanted to share with those He loved. Acts 1: 2-3 says that, "until the day when He was taken up to heaven, after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen. To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God." How beautiful the thought! That as Jesus wanted to be with those He had chosen, so He wants to be with me -- ALWAYS! Those were His last words while He was taken back up to heaven. Matthew 28:20 says, "and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." I can just imagine Him shouting those words down to His Apostles as they stood around looking up into the skies while He was taken up. And I believe He speaks those words to us each day. Are we listening?
Seek Him First!
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