Today was a tremendous fulfilling day.
I went with Robert and Ariel to the clinic as they were scheduled for a check up. If the ultra sound shows that the baby has not turned properly, then Ariel will have to go for a C-section.
Without even checking, they said, "Yes, she's going to have a C-section."
The baby was born at 12:55!
He is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hung around until Ariel was back in the recovery room and we checked into their room upstairs.
So, I got home at 4:15!
To get to the hospital, I had to ride Robert's BIG scooter! I fell once! It's a very heavy scooter and while stopping at a stoplight, I stepped on a cement block that was wobbly and the scooter tipped. The people behind me must have wondered what happened! It took a lot of strength to pull it back up again!
Anyhow, it was a great day. I enjoyed riding the big scooter. And it was so beautiful to welcome Caleb!
Pray for him as he seems to have water in his lungs and has to have 'oxygen' for at least this first 24 hours.
Seek Him First!