I took Isaiah to the MRT station and started on general cleaning. The insurance guy came to drop off the fire and earthquake insurance for the Danhsui house. The total yearly cost was only 1980NT$. That's like 70US$.
I was waiting to get a form from Ryan to get his wife's National Healthy Insurance reactivated. But no news from them, so I headed out to get a few items that my sister wanted -- a selfie extension stick and remote control, and five special adaptors. I went looking for a shower caddy... but the hook up on the door type aren't easy to find.
I rushed home and heard a message from Ryan. I checked the email and called his office. I emailed off the necessary form that he sent to me, talked to the lady in charge and in about an hour, it was finished. Praise the Lord.
Abby lined me and said that she threw up. Her tummy was also not feeling well. She was heading to the next amusement park.
Another sister lined me as she needed help in finding an apartment for her cousin!
Another person lined me about a prayer need!
I had to rush to call my mom as she usually goes to bed after our phone call.
After talking to my mom, I was out again. I wanted to go for a short run. I hadn't had time for the past two days.
I got back and took a quick shower and off I went again. This time to get the church banking stuff done. I needed to go to the post office as well, but I was short on time as I was hoping to get to see Wendy and Ryan and Kim at the hospital.
I was also hoping to buy them some food on the way. I didn't get that done either. I was hoping to buy them some good soup and the soup stores I had wanted to go to were all closed!!!!
I finally got to the hospital by around 3:15 and the baby was in the room. It was so much fun to hold Kimmy. She was fast asleep.
I stayed until about 6:30 and went off to Costco and B & Q.
At B & Q, I was trying to find more options for the shower caddy that my sister would like.
At Costco, I just wanted to pick up a few things for the party on Saturday.
And since I was so hungry, I ate some of the free stuff that people were handing out at Costco. I think that's what set off my tummy, being so hungry and eating these different snacks.
I got home and had a piece of toast and rushed off to pick up Isaiah.
What a day... too much rushing around... no wonder my tummy is upset.
I hope to slow down a bit tomorrow...
Seek Him First!
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