Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Out of the Ordinary

This is a book title by David Roper.

I have really enjoyed reading it.  Here is something he wrote on parenting which I really liked --

If we believe that by applying certain techniques and rules we can secure godly behavior in our children, we may be in for bitter disillusionment and heartache. No one can determine nor can they predict what their offspring will do... Given that uncertainty, the question is not, "How can I produce godly children?" but rather, "How can I be a godly parent?"  The two questions may appear to be the same, but they're not. The first has to do with result, over which we have no control; the second with process, over which we do, by God's grace, have some measure of control.  If our focus is on process, then the questions are about us:  How can I deal with my impatience, temper and rage, my selfishness, my resentment, my stubbornness, my defensiveness, my pride, my laziness, my unwillingness to listen? How can I strengthen my marriage? How can I develop parenting skills? How can I build bridges of grace, forgiveness, and acceptance that will make it possible for my prodigal to come home?  These are the matters that must occupy us as parents... and then we must leave the results with God.

Here are some of his other books --

He has more. I've only read three of his.  There is one on Elijah that I hope to find at a second hand store.  This is how it is described --

Elijah: A Man Like Us: How an Ordinary Person Can Make an Extraordinary Difference

4.1 of 5 stars 4.10  ·   rating details  ·  10 ratings  ·  3 reviews
God is working, even when you don't see results ... and you can be part of it. Learn how you can be used by God despite your short-comings, and find out how you can shine as a beacon of light through your work to your friends, in your family, and beyond with Elijah: A Man Like Us.
Seek Him First!


  1. I should read that book!! Thanks for sharing.
    -Rachel :)

  2. I started with his first book on Ps. 23. Are you still blogging? I love the pictures you post of when you run!
