One thing I thought I'd be doing more is RUNNING... But quite the opposite has been true.
I have ran only twice a week... With Alan gone and not sleeping enough, my body just doesn't want to move. Plus, as I had posted earlier, I have started to sort and clean and organize different areas of our house. And to do that, I need LONG blocks of time. It's hard to start and then to stop before the job is completed. Why? One reason is, I just can't walk away when things are 'spilling' over my dining room table or living room floor. I want to get it done before I go off to pick up the kids or run an errand or meet up with someone.
For example, right now, my dining room table is covered with name cards that we have collected over the years. I'd say we have at least 100+ name cards. I'm trying to sort through them and then find a way to organize them so that I can find what I need faster.
Another reason is -- I've borrowed several language books and CDs from the local public library. I'd like to listen to them while I'm working on cleaning. I've listened to Korean, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Spanish, Hebrew and I'm going to try Turkish. The local library also has Thai and Japanese. I am limited on how many I can check out at one time. I'd also like to find Arabic, Portuguese and German. Not that I'm learning these languages, but it's fantastic to listen to the sounds and I do try to pick up a few words. Very stimulating!
Like the Bible says in Rev. 7:9,

and verse 10 says,
And they cried out in a loud voice:
“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb.”
As I listen to the different language CDs, I can begin to imagine what it might sound like as people cry out in a loud voice in their own tongue. Wow... How magnificent!
Seek Him First!