Saturday, November 16, 2024

Cooler Weather Coming Soon...

I was up and ran 10k. I hit 61 for this week! YIPPY!

Then yes, I was off to WGE and also stopped at PXMart and Miramar Entertainment Center. Isaiah wanted me to help him get movie tickets with his coupons. 

I was home and checked on the recycling and got Mom up.

Abby called and I had a chance to talk to her... YIPPY!

Isaiah went off with Fenny... They were going to the Mall for Burgers and then go to the movie at 6pm.

Alan and I had a wedding banquet, so the helper was here by 5pm. It was a great banquet as we saw friends we hadn't seen for maybe 20 years! And we took home most of the leftover! The food was so delicious!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Faint not! Fight on!

Press On | Philippians 3:14 - Tricia Goyer | Philippians, Christian quotes  inspirational, Bible quotes

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ