Thursday, March 21, 2024

Back Home!

Three days two nights... and that was way too long!

I arrived back at the hospital and sure enough, Mom did not stop talking... the neighbor recounted what she talked about... Wow... 

The doctor came at 8:45 and said that the exam will be at around 11am. I wanted to go out for a run, but Mom was higher than a kite and the nurse said I should stay put. So, I did a run in place... I actually ran 10k, right in the room, in place. It was not easy to run in place.

At around 11:15, we went down and in 30 minutes, the doctor came out: ulcers! And I begged to be discharged. He consented... and gave me seven days of stomach medicine. I packed everything up and waited for Alan to come with the car! Yes, Mom remained higher than a kite. I could not leave her alone for a minute. I got home and called the Day Care Center. Mom will go tomorrow!

I gave her soup and she took a shower, talking, talking, talking... and I put her to bed at 4:50pm. She was still talking... but within an hour, she was fast asleep!

Alan and Isaiah went to play basketball... and I had a night to be home... I guess it was a surprising 'Sabbath'. I watched one episode of Poirot! And then I went for a shower at WGE and did a quick workout!

For dinner tonight, I made myself a nice huge salad!

Daily Lovely Insight:

8 Reminders that God Fights for Us

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses