Labor intensive... that's how I would describe my day... On Tuesday night, I stayed until the 12am nurse came and then I rested for an hour and left at 2:11am to ride home, stopping for soybean milk at the 24hr. Carrefour!
I was back home by 2:35 and had my quiet time... and then went to bed to sleep until 6:35!
By 8am, I was heading back to the hospital and got there in less than 20 minutes. The doctor came and said that the exam will be scheduled for Thursday, March 21st, at 11am. And I asked, when can Mom be discharged? He said, that depends... I guess it will be after we know the results. But she has not had any blood in her stool... in fact, she's only peed. No BM at all!
So, I stayed and read and to my horrid, when the nurse came at 10:30, Mom had pulled out all her drips needles and wasted an entire vial of blood and IV. I saw her eyes opened and she was moving under the blanket, but I had no idea what she was doing! I had to clean everything up... I thank the Lord as he had prompted me to put two layers of bed pads... I didn't want to waste, but I did... and it was good that I obeyed. Otherwise, I would have had to get her off the bed to change the sheet! It was already very labor intensive to get her gown, her blanket, the pads, the diaper, her body wiped down and everything changed! I was glad that I had lined up at 9am to get an extra set of everything before this happened. God is good...
I had to borrow hand restraints from the nurses' station and ask Alan to come over. He cancelled his tennis coaching and stayed with Mom while I went to the Soochow Bible Study. We had a great time with two more newcomers! Mom is so alert that I didn't know what she would do without supervision. That's the present situation! She is back to her 'normal' self!
I went home to drop everything off and Alan went to Costco as I was back at the hospital. I stayed there until 12:05am, Thursday morning, and then scootered home.
Here in Taiwan, it's already March 21st, Thursday. I will post this blog (which will say Wednesday, 3/20) and head back to the hospital. Mom will have her exam at 11am, and we will get the results by the end of the day and the doctor will tell me what's going on and perhaps when she can be discharged. I don't have WiFi at the hospital, which is why blog posts will be sporadic.
I left earlier because Mom was awake and moving and I could not sleep next to her! It was so much better to sleep at home... Today was to be my Sabbath... I will see what the Lord will do to provide as I'd like to go for a run... the hospital is right near the River Park... and the weather looks so nice! Maybe after the exam, Mom will be more tired and be willing to rest! I was told that she still cannot eat solids but I should be able to give her liquids. While she's getting the exam, I have to change her bedding! I must say, all the nurses and attendants are super nice and helpful to me! One attendant gave me extras of everything so that I wouldn't have to line up at 9am. That's how nice they've all been to me. Maybe it's because they saw me cleaning the shared bathroom... I'm bringing cleaning supplies. Most of the patients don't use the bathroom as they all are wearing diapers. But the caretakers do...I cleaned because I have to use the bathroom and I can't stand seeing the mildew and the mess!
I feel that where I am, God is with me... and His light shines... and the place is better because God is there!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Read verse 8... and here is verse 9!

Seek Him First!