Sunday, February 18, 2024

It's Sunday!

I was up super early... and had a good walk, picking trash!

Then I drove the car to drop off all the poinsettia plants from the Complex at the tennis court. A guy there will help me plant them around the grassy area!

I then had Mom Care and while she was eating, I tried to fit things into the cabinets in the front area. We have way too much stuff... mostly sporting goods stuff!

Isaiah was home and after a shower, he took a nap! I did a load of Mom's stinky stuff... 

Alan called and I had no time to talk... there was too much going on!

We left for church at 2:30 and after Mom was settled in her chair, I cleaned out the back balcony of the church and set up Love Cafe!

I had to translate too... My voice held up by the goodness of God!

We had sandwiches for dinner and Mom ate well... she kept wanting MORE!

After putting her to bed, I was ready for bed myself!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Celebrate His Goodness - The Salvation Army USA National Women's Ministries

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses