Sunday, November 12, 2023


I got up and my legs were feeling a lot better... Wow!

But no running on Sunday... I went out and picked trash and did. quick workout at WGE. There was a race going on and I had seen the km markings when I ran through the park this week... The weather was nice... but I know these people looked tired!

I was home with Mom duty!

Isaiah had a wedding to attend, so he took on his scooter.

Alan and I went to church at 2:15 and helped with setting up. I was the speaking. 

The Beauty of Giving Thanks, I Thes. 5:18!

We came home and I did not go for a walk with the sister as I will see her on Tuesday to figure our her finances. We are going to crunch some numbers and make some phone calls. 

It was nice to be home after Mom went to bed... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure... but I think I am a 'doer' of God's word... I can't just stand by and not help others!
