Friday, September 29, 2023

Teacher's Day & Mid Autumn Festival -- Back to Back

I forgot to mention that yesterday was Teacher's Day! That's why Alan had a day off. Not all schools give their teachers a day off, but Soochow does! Of course, Alan doesn't get paid anymore. He's a part time teacher! 

Today is Mid Autumn Festival! Mom had no day care!

I went out early and I did 90 minutes with a pair of new Glycerin GTS from my brother, James. Truly, I have wonderful siblings! Annie always blesses me with so much! She has a generous heart! James is a spender, too! I almost fainted when I saw the slip of paper inside the package as to how much he paid for those shoes! 

While out there running, I saw my neighbor, the runner again. He does intervals. And we ran the last 5 k together. I was able to keep up with him! And of course, my time was again FASTER than my normal time. And my legs felt pretty good!

I then got things together and went to WGE. I took a shower there and did a fast 20 minutes workout.

I was home and it was Mom Care! I trimmed her hair again! It looks great! 

Our neighbors gave us moon cakes, so Mom enjoyed THEM! Yes, she had more than one! And for her dinner, she had sushi from Costco. She was very happy! And she ate a lot! I am not kidding! It was a celebration for her!

Alan and Isaiah were home from tennis. It was blaring hot outside. Alan had a meeting with lunch and the food was great. I cooked and did a load of laundry and changed the sheet on Mom's bed AGAIN! 

After Mom went to bed, we played Phase 10 and had Chinese sausages plus all the leftovers that the church sent home with Alan! 

How FUN!

Daily Lovely Insight:

With all the free food that we received today, I was reminded of this verse:

Seek Him First!


  1. He used to get the day off with pay?

  2. Each moon cake has about 800 calories !!!!

    1. These were smaller in size... maybe 400 calories each!

  3. When will I get to have some moon cakes? There's absolutely no Chinese supermarkets here.
