Friday, April 28, 2023


I was lazy this morning as it was already quite warm. So instead of going for a run, I went to get the cell phone holder from the Yamaha Dealership. They had saved it for me. We installed it on Alan's scooter. He loves it!

I then went to Carrefour and found all kinds of bread and items! Then a 20 minute workout and I was home.

Alan and I went to a Cantonese restaurant and we bought Coco! I brought me own salad as that was what I felt like eating. It was so hot... and it's only the end of April.

We picked up the cuckoo clocks... they are so exquisite... but Isaiah is going to destroy it because it 'chimes' every hour on the hour! Ha, ha, ha... I love it... I will have to disable it...

I did go for a run and it was rather unpleasant until after 5pm. The heat was extreme and my legs did not want to move. I was soaking wet with sweat and I only ran 13k. I couldn't push through to 15.

This evening after Mom went to bed, Isaiah and I went to get Ms. Hsieh. Alan had to go run errands in preparation for the "Event" tomorrow night!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!